You are ENOUGH!

Published by Karie Millspaugh on

You are ENOUGH!

Do have over achiever syndrome?

Some of you may proudly state that you do and then there are some of you that I just want to hug because you’re in denial.

When we feel like we won’t be happy until the next achievement is made, there is a very sure sign that you may have over achiever syndrome.

I’m not referring to having life goals such as getting healthier, or publishing a book, or finding your ideal love partner.  I’m referring to that driving force inside of you that is fueled by a whisper that says, “You’re not enough, try harder”.

I was entangled in a love relationship that lasted quite a few years where I thought I could never be enough for him.  I never felt truly loved and appreciated.  I practically killed myself trying to win his approval.  Sure, I expanded as a person and grew my strengths but for what?  Just to not feel like I was enough?

Now, having a healthy drive to be better is something that most people lack but there is a fine line between striving for your personal best and literally killing yourself over it.

As I’ve worked with hundreds of female clients over the years I’ve noticed that some were driven by lack and insecurity more than the thrill of hitting a goal.

Realizing this early on is the best thing that a mentor can do.

At first, you’re excited that they are so motivated, then you realize that they are working through the nights, working on the weekends and slowly losing themselves in their work identity.

If this sounds like you, ask yourself what the motivation is?

Did your father always expect you to be at a certain level in your life or career?  Were there silent expectations from your mother that you should be as successful as she was or is?

Maybe you have siblings that are your parents favorite and they always seemed to achieve anything they wanted.  Do you think that somehow your parents will love and appreciate you more for your accomplishments?

Let’s move on to a love relationship.  Do you have a spouse or love partner that makes you feel like you must be more, like I did?

Maybe it’s a boss that creates goals that are unreachable and although you made serious waves in that corporation, you still felt like a failure.

All these factors can drive a person into a very serious health challenge.

The stress alone of trying to drown out the subconscious voices to try harder so that eventually someone will recognize you, love you and make you feel that you are worthy.

My dear sister, that is going to kill you.

After my years of research, 90% of the time we are seeking love and acceptance.

Here are some signs that you may be struggling with over achiever syndrome.

  • You collect awards and medals as a hobby
  • You’re a professional student because you’re always taking another course, another degree, another certification
  • Even though you’re fit and healthy, you agonize over gaining a pound or missing a day at the gym
  • You’ve made more money than you’ve ever made in your life but its still not enough and you’re awake at night worrying about it
  • You redo your website 8 times because it’s still not good enough
  • You never launch any ideas because you’re afraid it’s not good enough or perfect enough
  • You will sacrifice your health and relationships for your work goals.
  • You’ve had 6 plastic surgeries done in the past 6 months and you’re exploring a 7th

I think you’re getting the idea.

My dear sister, You Are Enough!

Just waking up today, you brought sunlight into someone’s life.  Just by you being YOU.

Whenever you smile at a stranger, you’ve made their day brighter.

When a co-worker needed a shoulder to cry on, you were enough in that moment.

When your child was sick in the night and all they wanted was to sleep next to you, you were enough.

When you ordered take out and it was your hubbies favorite, you were enough.

When you stayed late at work to make sure everyone else got their work done, you were enough.

When your best friend has happy news and she just sent you a text and you responded with a happy face emoji, you were enough.

Girlfriend… I want you to look in the mirror and state, I AM ENOUGH!

I AM Enough yumminess all the way to my soul and back to receive all the love, adoration, job opportunities and career success that one woman can handle.


I love you just the way you are.

Keep checking off that bucket list but make sure that the drive beneath the surface is a healthy one.

Karie Millspaugh

Woman Empowerment Keynote Speaker, Published Author









Categories: Blog

Karie Millspaugh

Karie Millspaugh Promotes People with Purpose with her Public Relations and Marketing Agency. She assists her clients to be seen online, TV and on the stage with her Public Relations and Speaking Agency. Karie is also a public speaker, best-selling author, and designates most of her time empowering her audience in entrepreneurship, leadership, and business. She has started up multiple businesses herself and enjoys helping others all over the globe with their own business idea. Her PR, branding and marketing agency will tackle the challenges that most people face when getting their name out there.


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