Top 10 Reasons working from home ROCKS!

Published by Karie Millspaugh on

freedomI’ve been self-employed before and if you have ever had a taste for working for yourself, you will find that it’s VERY CHALLENGING going back to being an employee for someone else’s DREAM AND VISION.

As you start to believe in yourself and you have a vision and business in mind, you will find it harder and harder to work for someone else day after day, hour after hour.

“Build your own dreams or someone will hire you to build theirs”

I thought I would gather some of my favorite reasons that I enjoy business ownership…

clockReason #1


First of all, waking up naturally is so HEALTHY for you!  Your body knows when it’s had enough sleep and will slowly rise… which is a lot better than that dreaded alarm clock that jolts you from a deep sleep spinning you into fight or flight mode.

Reason #2

No uniforms, dress codes or dry cleaning necessary

If you DO NOT have a home office, you know that laying out your clothes for the next day can be a drag.  Especially if you FORGOT to pick up your clothes from the cleaners.  Let’s face it, I can get more done in the first 3 hours of my workday from my yoga pants and sipping coffee while the birds are chirping, then I can showering, shaving my legs and washing/drying/curling my long locks… not to mention the 30 minute drive into the office one way.

coffeeReason #3

I buy some pretty awesome coffee that the office DOES NOT HAVE!

My latest kick is my Keurig, I believe that wonderful machine was invented JUST FOR ME!  I’ve even thought of putting it next to my nightstand just so I can SMELL coffee first thing in the morning…   I was recently in my hometown of Traverse City, MI and during their cherry festival I bought, chocolate cherry coffee!! YUM!!!

Reason #4

I only drive if I want to.

Ok… I’m a road trip warrior that loves to take off for long weekends to California and I prefer to drive…  that is NOT the same as driving through rush hour traffic trying to battle the clock in time for a meeting.  This also IS NOT healthy, you cannot always control the traffic or the possibility of accidents… therefore the extra stress is NOT REALLY WORTH IT.

Also…side note, here in Las Vegas in the summer, it’s HOT… I mean – “stick your head in an oven” HOT – so getting in the car after work is like asking to be cooked from the inside out.  Now my car sits in the garage all day until I decide to head to the gym, go for a drive or run errands.

gossipReason #5


I’m SOOOOO not a fan of gossip.  I’m a leader not a follower… you’ve heard the saying, “lions do not lose sleep over the opinions of sheep”.  Why do I care what EVERYONE else did over the weekend?  I was too busy planning out my next activity or building my next online program to changes lives… not idly chat about them behind their backs.  Their business…is… THEIR BUSINESS and for the record, leave the high school mindset, IN HIGH SCHOOL.

Reason #6

Working Naked!  (no visual aid with this one)

Yes… I said it… I prefer not to get dressed at all if I don’t have to!  Unless it’s a skype conference call via webcam or a Google Hangout, this girl is staying… naked.  I DID mention how HOT it is in Vegas, right?

working2Reason #7

You decide WHEN you work and how HARD you work…

I’m an inspired junkie that can go for HOURS on a creative thinking spree and knock out so much stuff in a matter of 24 hours… then create balance again and mentally check out for a while.  It’s a lot more fun and freeing when you can work when you’re inspired to, versus looking at the clock and trying to make up something to do for the next hour because you’re trading time for wages.  Silly game, huh?  As a matter of fact it is 4:21am as I type this… couldn’t sleep so I thought I would do something productive while the rest of the world is sleeping…

Reason #8

Bye bye micro-management

I’m a 40 year old woman that has started up 4 businesses herself, managed multi-million dollar companies by the age of 22 and has always learned how to make things happen by shear will and determination.  My work ethic and how I feel about myself is more important than the achievement desired by someone else’s opinion of a realistic goal.  In fact, micro-management actually causes the opposite reaction it’s designed for.  Most adults actually digress into acting like children because they are being TREATED like one.  Not effective…give a person responsibility, direction and trust and watch them SOAR into natural leaders!

Reason #9

No more FAST FOOD!

I love cooking for myself!  At least I know how it’s made, handled and where it came from.  Not to mention, again… a healthier option.  When I’m stuck at the office, the thought of getting interrupted to drive out, find food and come back to the office is a major distraction for me.  It also takes me longer to get refocused and back on track.  I love grabbing a healthy snack from the kitchen of my choice while working rather than driving off to somewhere for food… in the heat, again…did I mention that I live in Las Vegas and right now it’s AUGUST!?  Yes… it’s hot !!

incomeReason #10

(insert drum roll!)


No one gets to decide my fate anymore, but me.  If I want a raise… I create a cash injection into my business for next quarter and plan accordingly.  If I feel like I deserve a break, I take a week off.  I don’t have to get my time off pre-approved and then get hassled during my vacation time by my co-workers with their many emails and questions… or feel the guilt of everything piling up when I return to the office.

I explain to my clients that it’s our flex week and off we go!  If I connect with any of them on my time off, it’s by CHOICE… 

Are you self-employed yet?

Do you want to be?



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Karie Millspaugh

CEO of Publicity Creations by Design & 5 Star Keynote Speakers

Categories: Blog

Karie Millspaugh

Karie Millspaugh Promotes People with Purpose with her Public Relations and Marketing Agency. She assists her clients to be seen online, TV and on the stage with her Public Relations and Speaking Agency. Karie is also a public speaker, best-selling author, and designates most of her time empowering her audience in entrepreneurship, leadership, and business. She has started up multiple businesses herself and enjoys helping others all over the globe with their own business idea. Her PR, branding and marketing agency will tackle the challenges that most people face when getting their name out there.


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