Regret SUCKS!

Published by Karie Millspaugh on

heartI didn’t follow my heart… I let logic take over and lost BIG

I was only 24… and a newlywed. I was approaching my 2nd wedding anniversary to my high school sweetheart. We got married very young but we had been together for 7 years prior.
I married him because… 1) I wanted a house 2) I thought that’s what I was supposed to do after 7 years…3) he made me feel SAFE.
But I forgot to follow my heart… have you ever done that before?
You hear it all the time, follow your heart and it won’t lead you astray.
Well I ignored my heart and married out of the need for safety and convenience.
I was reminded of this when one of my soul mates connected with me, I say “one of” because we have many… and he was the first of many…
I knew him before I got engaged and yet I didn’t act on our connection. I had razor like focus that I was supposed to get married to the man that made me feel “safe”… and taken care of.  We reconnected after I was married a year or so…and those feelings were still there. I had a fling, an emotional affair, whatever you want to call it. It never went to physical because I couldn’t cross that line but I fell in love which is way worse and a lot harder to get over.
logicI got to the cross roads of telling my husband at the time. I explained everything and had to make a choice. Do I follow my heart as I had FINALLY experienced a TRUE connection with this man or stay in my marriage because it was the logical thing to do?
You guessed it… I stayed. Two reasons… 1) my Midwest upbringing would not allow me to even THINK of divorce as I wanted to still give my marriage a shot. 2) I needed to feel safe…we had a home, we had good jobs together. I also knew my husband would never stray… all the logical reasons that keeps a person STUCK.
I gave my husband 10 more years and yes, a gorgeous daughter. I also learned the hard way that NOT following my heart left me in a loveless marriage. One that never had true companionship or a true connection. I never once had a real heart to heart talk with my ex husband while we were married. I never knew what it was like to lay still and stare at the stars and share your heart with your husband.
We acted like two roommates, but I followed logic and what people THOUGHT I should do… I let others opinions create me…define me.
I lost…and I lost BIG.
Yes …many say, but you have your daughter, and of course I will be forever grateful for her, she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. But…I also lived a lie for 10 years and have course corrected to make up for lost time ever since.
I now have experienced FULFILLING relationships… have been in love with the most amazing soul mate experience for years. HE showed me how to lay still in the grass and watch for shooting stars… talk for hours and play together. I share this vulnerability with you to remind you to FOLLOW YOUR HEART.
heart1Don’t put it off any longer…
What are you ignoring? Is there a passion of yours that keeps tugging on your heart strings? Is there a voice inside of you that is BEGGING to be heard? Do you see yourself playing small when deep down you’re ready to explore what can be YOURS?
I encourage you to get on this call LIVE call with me. I will be shedding light on finding your purpose and how to turn it into a business that you love.
Business ownership is not for everyone, it’s not for the weak, it’s not for the timid… Business ownership is the most intimate relationship that you will ever have with yourself and if you do it right, you will thank yourself for years to come!
Jump on this call with me and explore if you have what it takes to create a business that gives you the lifestyle of your dreams!
I want YOU to follow your heart… life is TOO SHORT to keep living in that logic, safe mode …which only leads to regret. I should know…
Leap and have faith in yourself!
See you on the call!!
Love and hugs,
Live life abundantly,
Karie Millspaugh

Business Strategist and Lifestyle Expert
Abundant Living by KLM

Categories: Blog

Karie Millspaugh

Karie Millspaugh Promotes People with Purpose with her Public Relations and Marketing Agency. She assists her clients to be seen online, TV and on the stage with her Public Relations and Speaking Agency. Karie is also a public speaker, best-selling author, and designates most of her time empowering her audience in entrepreneurship, leadership, and business. She has started up multiple businesses herself and enjoys helping others all over the globe with their own business idea. Her PR, branding and marketing agency will tackle the challenges that most people face when getting their name out there.


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