Negativity hurts

Published by Karie Millspaugh on

postiiveNo more self abuse!

I’ve decided to stop beating myself up…

I had a bad day… the kind where you just feel stuck and unhappy. You see everything all around you that you haven’t achieved yet and it makes you feel lost and empty…
So then the thoughts come…you know the ones that I’m referring to. The ones that are very abusive to yourself.
• I still haven’t lost my dreaded 10lbs yet
• I need to find a bigger home
• I’m not living in my beach house yet
• I still drive the same car
• I’m still single
• I want to travel more
• My business isn’t at the level I want it to be
• I haven’t paid off some debt yet that I desperately want to

Feel that heaviness?  I sure do!

Do you see how abusive that can be when you are thinking these thoughts all day? Beating myself up instead of encouraging me.
I would NEVER speak to my clients this way or my family members yet I allow myself this type of verbal abuse?

Why do we do that?! Treat ourselves like our own worse enemy?

I know I’m a driven personality but geesh! Can I be any more negative and mean to myself? Don’t answer that … (smile)

coversYes I have these days too…and my first reaction is to go to bed and hide. I start to feel PHYSICALLY ill… head starts pounding, my throat starts to ache and I want to hide from the world under the covers.

My dear friend… I know you can relate. We all have these days… so let me show you how I turn things around quickly.
I was once told by a dear mentor of mine, that a whole day is TOO LONG to feel bad. He told me 30 minutes is all I get…then get back on the happy wagon!
So… this is how I turn my bad days around… when I catch it.
First step is awareness. Why do I feel this way? What’s going on? Allow yourself to get quiet and ask some questions…

I was feeling BORED was my first thoughts. Then overwhelmed…then terribly UN motivated.

Why do I feel bored? Well… it’s because I’ve mastered everything in my business. I hadn’t taken on anything new recently to grow and expand my mind. So I’m going to take on a new project or two that will allow me to grow and learn like never before.

Overwhelmed because I still feel like a failure… see thoughts above.
What about my lack of motivation? Well… in the midst of feeling like a failure it’s a bit hard to get back on the horse.
Here goes the shift…are you ready? I’m going to switch that silly list around!


happyee• I lost 5lbs already and inches while firming up in all the right areas
• I have a very adorable cozy home right now in a very nice neighborhood
• I may not have my beach house yet but I’m only 5 hours to the California coast line and I am looking at real estate
• My car isn’t brand new, but it’s PAID FOR!
• I may be single (selectively by choice) but I’m a damn good catch for the RIGHT GUY!
• My 2015 plans include A LOT more travel
• I get to be my own boss!! WOO HOO! I work for ME!!! And I have the very best clients that are AMAZING! I also have achieved balance at a whole new level!
• There will always be debt in my life somewhere at some point, who cares? I have a game plan to pay it off.


Did you feel that energy shift? I sure did!

When you start to see yourself go downward in that spiral of despair…make a list like I did and shift it to the “glass is half full” mindset with a NEW LIST!

Let’s face it… it could always be worse, right?

The beautiful part is that we get to have this experience together to reshape and remold our lives.

After all … we are the creators! Let’s choose a better day tomorrow…

Sound good?

Much love, empathy and encouragement,





Karie Millspaugh
Business and Lifestyle Coach

Categories: Blog

Karie Millspaugh

Karie Millspaugh Promotes People with Purpose with her Public Relations and Marketing Agency. She assists her clients to be seen online, TV and on the stage with her Public Relations and Speaking Agency. Karie is also a public speaker, best-selling author, and designates most of her time empowering her audience in entrepreneurship, leadership, and business. She has started up multiple businesses herself and enjoys helping others all over the globe with their own business idea. Her PR, branding and marketing agency will tackle the challenges that most people face when getting their name out there.


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