My Money Story

Published by Karie Millspaugh on

moeny22My Money Story

I’ve been really working on my life in this area recently. I always knew I had a “Money Belief”… I just hadn’t really dug deep to see what it was…
So I’m going to take you through a little journey with me. So you can also shed some light on what your beliefs are around money, where they come from and how you can let go of what may not be working for you in your life…
Are you ready my friend? Take my hand… let’s go…
Once upon a time there was this sweet 8 year old girl that loved everyone and trusted everyone. Her name is Karie Lynn… her mom and family sometimes call her Kaye or Kaye Lynn… She had messy dark blonde hair down to the middle of her back and was known as the neighborhood tomboy.
Her father was a minister at that time and showed her that we were placed here to help people. Time after time her father showed her that regardless of his big giving nature, he would be taken advantage of. He would buy groceries and diapers for a lady that called saying she needed money for her baby… her father would go to the home to drop off some necessities for her to find that there was never a baby. She was just looking for a hand out.
little girleAnother time was when her dear dad would take side jobs to help make ends meet. He would paint cars and make them look like new!

One Saturday morning a customer picked up his car while they were all still asleep… knowing her dad was finished and had told him where the keys were.

That customer left without them knowing and never left his payment to her father. Her heart was crushed to think that people like this existed…especially after many hours of chatting with her dad while he worked on that car until the wee hours of the morning.

This is when she had the most quality time with her daddy… in the garage …striking up conversation. I think deep down, her dad loved that his little tomboy daughter was interested in what he was working on…

Sadly… the story doesn’t stop there. Little Karie also experiences that same pain… You see…her beliefs started to create a pattern into her subconscious that “people take advantage of you”. Especially when it comes to money…
One evening little Karie’s father brings home a hitch hiker.

This strange man smelled… REALLY BAD!

He was dirty… looked like he hadn’t had a decent meal in weeks or a BATH! We shared our dinner table with this strange man… and little Karie started to warm up to him. Her dad was laughing and chatting with him so he must be ok…right? Well…after dinner. Karie and her baby sister treated him like any other uncle that came to visit. Dad let him sleep on their couch in the basement. Little Karie put on a show for him… she acted out some silly “play like” acts for him, along with her baby sister Shawna.

They giggled and laughed until it was time to go to bed.

They wished him a good night and crept upstairs to get into their own warm beds. Thinking to themselves…  They were so glad that they had a warm safe bed to sleep in.
Then in the wee hours of the morning, little Karie felt her mom shaking her to bring her out of her slumber… 

purseSlowly rubbing her eyes… asking “mom…what is it?”… Her mom said “Karie…do you still have that dollar in your purse?”  “I need to buy milk”… “sure mom!” Said Karie, “Let me go get it”, this was common as money was always tight and Karie was eager to be of help… Little Karie tried to remember where her favorite little white purse was.

Then she remembered she left it in the kitchen… running down the hallway in her little blue night gown she grabbed her purse and opened her wallet inside to find NOTHING!

Her little heart was confused… and broken. Her mom was also puzzled…but then it dawned on both of them. The hitchhiker had stolen her money from her little purse.
Little Karie’s mom felt so bad about it that she told the church congregation what had happened. So one of the members of their church offered to have Karie “dust her living room” for money. Little Karie did that eagerly and got back not just 1 dollar but 2!

Karie ended up putting that money in the church Christmas offering… and that stamped home the belief that money never sticks around for long…
wingsDo you see how this story in my young 8 year old mind had created a belief that getting money was HARD…and when you finally do get it… it’s just taken from you over and over again. The feeling that there is “never enough” was always driven into my subconscious from a very young age with my parents financial struggle.

And guess what that belief created in my life? PROOF! Over and over and OVER again!

From getting taken advantage of in business deals, wallet stolen, multiple credit card fraud with my accounts, pay cuts, commission cut backs… never getting what’s owed to me proved that my belief was RIGHT!

That money was HARD to get!


I created that… your beliefs will create your reality.


I also believed that if you did make great money, it would just get taken away from you… like the hitch hiker taking what he did from me.
moneySo my life PROVED ME RIGHT AGAIN!

I would make a ton of commission, real estate flips, deals… pay increases… huge down payments with clients and it would stay in my account a day or two and something would come along and TAKE IT FROM ME!

It would come in the form of car repairs, doctor bills, debt, taxes or something else that wasn’t FUN to hand your “hard earned” money to.
More bullshit beliefs…do you see the pattern?



I get to do the work around this…by asking myself if little 8 year old Karie’s belief is really, really TRUE? If it is…what has that stupid story in my head done to me? What sort of suffering and grief have I caused myself? What would my life be like if it were no longer true?
What would my life get to LOOK LIKE?
The peace that comes from letting go from this belief “that money is hard”…it’s “just going to disappear again” anyway so why even bother hitting over 6 figures?

All of that gets to go away…and I get to embrace that money really is like air. There is plenty enough to go around for everyone and I get to also believe that whatever leaves me, will return 10 fold!!
If you also have a strong money belief or a belief anywhere that keeps showing struggle in your life or suffering. I ask you to Google Byron Katie, “the work” and ask yourself those same 4 questions… to get really clear on why you believe that thought to be true…

Then give that belief wings and set it free!!!


My blessings and love to you,
Karie Millspaugh
Business and Lifestyle Coach

Categories: Blog

Karie Millspaugh

Karie Millspaugh Promotes People with Purpose with her Public Relations and Marketing Agency. She assists her clients to be seen online, TV and on the stage with her Public Relations and Speaking Agency. Karie is also a public speaker, best-selling author, and designates most of her time empowering her audience in entrepreneurship, leadership, and business. She has started up multiple businesses herself and enjoys helping others all over the globe with their own business idea. Her PR, branding and marketing agency will tackle the challenges that most people face when getting their name out there.


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