Is your personal business, impersonal?

Published by Karie Millspaugh on

marketing3As I write this, I’m doing some self reflection and yes, I’m just as guilty.

You may be able to relate….

I’m speaking to entrepreneurs, online business guru’s, authors, social media experts, and most of all us coaches.

I coach online business strategies to coaches.  Period.  I work on mindset, streams of income, branding and sales.   I noticed during some of our recent coaching sessions that we are missing the PERSONAL side to business.

As a coach, you go into business for one reason, you want to HELP PEOPLE.  We love the transformation and results from our guidance, education, accountability and outside perspective.  It’s VERY rewarding both emotionally and financially!

Stick with me… I’m getting to the good stuff…

I’ve noticed a pattern that I would love to break, not just with myself and clients but with anyone that is in the same industry.

With our online marketing efforts we have gotten LAZY!!!

Online MarketingWe want people to just click and get on our subscribe list…we want people to just land on our laps as clients.  We think that if our graphics are dazzling enough it will be the perfect bait to draw people into our program, online educational series or as private clients.  We try to OUT Dazzle each other online, in social media…who has the brightest smile must be the one that makes the most sales, right?


When have you taken the time to get to know each person on your list, social media circles, followers… just for the sake of GETTING TO KNOW THEM?

Didn’t you choose this industry because you love people and want to help them?  I know I did… my heart is on fire when helping people.

As an Empath I see and feel what they can’t…  I MUST show them the way, I’m hard wired to do this…

So I’m asking you to watch your marketing efforts.  When people aren’t clicking “buy now”… what is stopping them?  Why aren’t people responding to your emails?  Is it because you really don’t have their best interest at heart?  Are you too lazy to create a relationship with them first?

This whole ONLINE thing, has created very lazy entrepreneurs.  It’s very easy to create ads and funnel people towards us, but what about changing your mindset from numbers…. to PEOPLE.  People that have lives, needs, goals, dreams and a LIFE that they want to improve with your help.  Now we’re talking!!!..  I get excited just thinking about the transformation that takes place when a person is open to growing and evolving into a better person.

networking2I started very young with my first business venture… and it required a lot of in person networking to create a customer base and new clients.  Guess what comes first?  A relationship, a connection!  I know shocking and so “old school” …but it WORKS!

If you’re an online guru like myself… I challenge you to go out and create 20 new friendships online without ANY intention of scoring a client or a sale with that person.  Just simple relationship building 101.  Learn something fun about them… find out how their day is going, how old their kids are and if they have a fun vacation booked on the horizon.  Get them on the phone if you can and if they’re local, meet them for coffee.

I think we forgot how to create connections and build friendships.  I want YOU to hold me accountable to this also…

The beauty of this mindset is, that relationships are personal and always turn into referrals, new clients, customers and joint venture partners.

So go out there and make a new friend without any intention of anything more than friendship.  Watch your business change, evolve and grow because you are now back and centered to WHY you started your PERSONAL business in the first place.  For the people!

Leave a comment about your own networking ideas and what works best for you and your business.

Cheers to your business success!

Karie Millspaugh

Business Coach for Entrepreneurs

From Purpose to Profits with your virtual business






Categories: Blog

Karie Millspaugh

Karie Millspaugh Promotes People with Purpose with her Public Relations and Marketing Agency. She assists her clients to be seen online, TV and on the stage with her Public Relations and Speaking Agency. Karie is also a public speaker, best-selling author, and designates most of her time empowering her audience in entrepreneurship, leadership, and business. She has started up multiple businesses herself and enjoys helping others all over the globe with their own business idea. Her PR, branding and marketing agency will tackle the challenges that most people face when getting their name out there.


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