How did I get so lucky?

Published by Karie Millspaugh on

ali meI awaken to a soothing lullaby of music coming from my phone as

I slowly reach over and tap the snooze button… A smile starts to form at my lips as I see the sun streaming in through the shades… ahhhh… thank you my blessed heavenly father for my life… gratitude starts to escape my lips in a whispered prayer… Oh… I so love my life!

How did I get so lucky?!

I believe that LUCK, stands for Laboring Under Correct Knowledge… for those that haven’t coached with me yet…that’s what we call LUCK.

I have my health, I have my wonderful family… I have the very best of friends and clients! My gorgeous daughter reminds me daily that every ounce of love and learning that I’ve poured into her is SO WORTH IT!

I think of the clients I have and what is in store for their exciting future… I think of the growth that many of them have had and how they are changing their lives and others… That’s the best part about what I do…

It has a serious ripple effect. Like a small stone tossed into a beautiful pond… My touch has no end. My efforts, love and wisdom is poured into others every day. Some say thank you, some send flowers of gratitude…others private message me and that my friend…is PRICELESS!

If they only knew that I actually CRY tears of joy when they hit a milestone…

ali brownI got to meet my favorite mentor of all time last week, Ali Brown. I’ve adored her for years and am looking forward to working with her personally. She’s a mentor that will inspire me for years to come! She matches my personal energy and we share the same belief in God…source, and how the universe steps in to take care of you.

We are all connected on this beautiful planet we call home… again… how did I get so lucky?

I feel this way because I’ve found my way, my purpose, what makes my heart SING! I’ve aligned my natural gifts, skills, experience and what brings me joy into a business that JUST …KEEPS…ON…GIVING!

Again… how did I get so lucky?

Then I look back over the years and I’m reminded of the ‘footprints’ poem and I smile because there were some really bumpy times and then there were some smooth sailing times. I’m not done growing as we all are a work in progress but I sure do love looking back over the mountain trail that I’ve climbed and have seen where my spirit got weary and God and the Universe took over and carried me.


Oh dear God…why me…? How did I get so lucky?

beach girlsThen I remember the nights where I would work until my contact lenses were burned into my eyes and I would glance at the clock and just beg for one more hour of energy to keep going. I would glance over at my beloved daughter’s picture on my desk and realize that SHE was the reason I kept working…why I would do whatever it took to make mine and HER dreams come true. 60+ hours a week…didn’t matter. Many sacrifices along the way… love relationships, friendships, family time… was placed on a shelf until later because THIS PURPOSE…this life-long mission, HAD…TO…BE…FULFILLED.

You see… my whole life was a journey that led me here. I started my first business at age 25 with my ex-husband. We had a property management company and flipped homes/real estate. Then age 31 I ventured into 2 more online businesses… then at age 35 I started an online marketing company here in Las Vegas that my past business partner still runs. I just had the entrepreneurial itch that wouldn’t go away… working for someone else was a great learning experience and I always grew but yet I always felt held back at the same time…

I took away some amazing growth in the world of Global Business Coaching as a JOB for 5 years and what it takes to make a good solid coaching practice…and for that I’m forever grateful.

But it was time to move on….

My last business, my wellness and business coaching company originally started in 2005, but God wanted me to play A LOT bigger so I took it online 2 years ago so I could reach MORE people… bless MORE lives, enrich them with gifts that they weren’t able to fully SEE.

And that is how we are together now… I’m here to do ONE thing. To teach you what I’ve learned. sometimes it was the hard way, sometimes with experts by my side… but the key thing is… be smart. Work smarter, not harder. Life is short, your dreams can come to you much quicker than ever before…with the right strategy, support and education.

Even if you have NO idea what type of business you want to start… get on this call with me so you can get the basic foundation underneath your feet so that you TOO can wake up every morning with a smile whispering…God …how did I get so lucky?

That’s when He will say… My child… you worked your tail off for it! Go take the day off and spend it with your baby girl… smiling and laughing!

If you’re already in business for yourself …I’m curious… how much money and time have you wasted trying to figure out doing business on your own?

I have a coach… even the best of the best, have a coach. We all had mentors and teachers through school, why not in business and life as well? Why not take some guidance from someone that has already walked through the fire and is willing to do it with you as well.

Jump on this call with me…as I walk you through the basics of business and why it’s so important to learn this NOW before you waste any more time, energy and money….


I want you to say… alongside of me…


Let’s make some dreams come true… shall we?

Karie Millspaugh

Business strategist and Lifestyle Expert

President and Founder of Abundant Living by KLM

BIZ Academy Details HERE

Categories: Blog

Karie Millspaugh

Karie Millspaugh Promotes People with Purpose with her Public Relations and Marketing Agency. She assists her clients to be seen online, TV and on the stage with her Public Relations and Speaking Agency. Karie is also a public speaker, best-selling author, and designates most of her time empowering her audience in entrepreneurship, leadership, and business. She has started up multiple businesses herself and enjoys helping others all over the globe with their own business idea. Her PR, branding and marketing agency will tackle the challenges that most people face when getting their name out there.


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