Attracting what you want from life through vibrations…

Published by Karie Millspaugh on

love 323What does that mean exactly?

Have you ever met someone that gave you a bad vibe? Something just felt off about them that you couldn’t explain? You couldn’t describe it but you knew you wanted to leave their presence immediately.
Perhaps you felt the opposite? Someone that you’ve met that gives off a great vibration… a happy energy that is hard to describe but you know you want to be around them all the time. I tell those delightful people that they have “good energy”.

Allow me to go deeper and share my heart…

I was in a session with my personal mind-body coach, Marci Lock a few weeks ago. I was telling her that I kept putting my needs on hold while helping my daughter and clients… but as we dug deeper together, I noticed that I was carrying around a lot of heaviness as I was missing my own workouts and alone time. Which as some of you know, results into a very unhappy state of being OFF BALANCE. As she uncovered some of the guilt I had been carrying around and explained to me that I was feeling guilt and shame which is the lowest vibration you can omit into the universe… I broke down and sobbed. I didn’t want to be giving off the lowest signal out there… I want to SING from the mountain tops most days that YOU are AMAZING and perfect just the way you are and that you were created to live an awe inspiring life! I work best when I’m giving love…that’s the emotion I use in my business and life… it’s what I radiate.

But… How can I do that when the signal I was giving off wasn’t even being picked up with a vibrational frequency?
waterUnless… I choose to continue down that slippery slope of vibrating at the lowest frequency which will in turn…only attract more low, forgive me… “bottom feeders” in life… those that are also in shame and guilt mode.
I decided right then and there that I would do whatever it took daily to make sure my energy and vibration was always at an ALL TIME HIGH!
I want to attract the best of the best clients that are fun to work with and give off a great energy… I want to attract the best of the best relationships for my ideal husband and friendships! I want to attract amazing experiences and live a FULL BLOWN…OUT LOUD kinda life! Are you with me on this?
So… let me back up a minute for those that I may have lost at the word, “energy” and “vibration”. (wink)

If you would like more education on the physics around the energy that we give off as human beings and the vibration that’s omitted into the universe through brain waves … not just as humans but as LIVING ENTITIES…then I suggest following some of Bruce Lipton’s teaching on the science around what happens to our cells when energy is low, high…and so on. Fascinating stuff!!
The short version of the education is to pretend your brain is giving off a tune… could be a low quiet tune and singing “the blues”… which is a very LOW VIBRATION… it’s sending out a frequency (tune) that is looking for others that match it’s tune… could be people, situations…etc. If you’re always operating from that low…sad note… you will only attract the same sadness into your life over and over.

You’ve heard the term, Like attracts Like… ? Same thing.
Now imagine that you’ve decided to change your tune. Instead of singing the blues every day and staying in the “poor me” victim mindset and only attracting more “woe is me” like friends and situations… you decide to sing a HAPPY TUNE? Watch your energy shift to a happy vibration… and you start to attract more REASONS to be HAPPY! It’s the best!!
love frequencyI notice that my energy is particularly high when I’m in love, helping a client or planning a party…vacation or trip to see my beloved family. My days seem to fly by with one amazing instant after another and life FEELS JOYFUL!
So… you may be wondering to yourself. How can I stay in that vibration Karie? What if I’m not feeling all that great in the morning… what should I do to shift my energy to 500 watts instead of a low 20 watts?
Well… you know I would never babble this long not to give you a solution. So I’ve created a list of some amazing things that I do to help create a brighter day… and raise my vibration to match those that I want to attract and WHAT I want to attract.
Feel free to use my list, but I highly encourage you to use my list as inspiration and create your own. As we will have different hobbies, tastes…etc.

My Top 5 Vibration Lifters!

#1 Music…

This can change your mood, period. I use it to relax or wake myself up on a long road trip. Music can cause you to cry or dance around the house! I love 80’s rock… it brings back such silly memories of my youth so I will turn that on and smile, dance and get my vibration up. Create a fun playlist… called “good vibrations!” lol

#2 FEEL and APPRECIATE Gratitude…

I like to write in my journal to clear my head. I use it to focus on what I love about my life, my day and I even use a technique called journaling with intention. I actually write out my life as if the future is already the present. This FEELS amazing! I encourage you to try it! Write as if you’re already in that new home, driving that new car…with that amazing partner that you’ve chosen…etc.

#3 Create audio meditations.

shy mom 1

This one is something new that I’ve just started… I used my smartphone, and background music to soothe my soul while hearing my voice tell me how wonderful my life is…etc. I’ve really noticed after a few hours of non-stop technical work I will play them while I go to pick up my daughter from school and my entire mood shifts from my head to my heart and I’m a much sweeter mom.

#4 Nature is my church!

A walk, a hike… stroll through the park feeling the breeze and sun on my face really clears my head and fills my soul! Sometimes I’m listening to my iPod, other times I’m just enjoying the sound of nature.
shy mom

#5 Quality time with those you love…

My love language is quality time, face to face connection with QUALITY conversation. I’m not the type to mingle with a bunch of strangers with just small talk. That does not fill my soul. It’s too superficial. I LOVE deep conversation with a loved one. Fills my soul to the BRIM! My daughter and I will lay in her bed head to head with the best conversations… we talk about life and how to handle what comes are way. We also talk about our dreams and goals and she loves stories of when she was a baby…and the silly things she did.

I hope these 5 vibration lifters have inspired you to make your own list.
Keep in mind… that working on this small shift in your life and changing your thoughts that everything will work out for YOUR best interest… will shift your vibration. Learn to trust and have faith with every step to your day.


You’ve GOT THIS! I believe in YOU!

All my love,

Karie Millspaugh
Business and Lifestyle Coach

Categories: Blog

Karie Millspaugh

Karie Millspaugh Promotes People with Purpose with her Public Relations and Marketing Agency. She assists her clients to be seen online, TV and on the stage with her Public Relations and Speaking Agency. Karie is also a public speaker, best-selling author, and designates most of her time empowering her audience in entrepreneurship, leadership, and business. She has started up multiple businesses herself and enjoys helping others all over the globe with their own business idea. Her PR, branding and marketing agency will tackle the challenges that most people face when getting their name out there.


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