An Interview with Karie Millspaugh about her upcoming book

Published by Karie Millspaugh on

Interview with Karie Millspaugh, Author of
“Permission to be ME”

Karie Millspaugh is a Business and Lifestyle Coach, Public Speaker, Mom. She has created multiple businesses and has also worked in the professional corporate arena of an internationally renowned company.

Karie works with entrepreneurs through a unique coaching format called Passion to Purpose… then from Purpose to Profits.

Karie has been in the Coaching Industry for over 10 years in over 10 Countries around the world!

Karie Millspaugh’s debut book “Permission to be ME” is based on a very unique concept. She talked with us in a rare and exclusive interview about her promising book.

Please read on to find some Amazing Facts, ups- and-downs of a girl’s life and how she or any girl/woman can transform into a Goddess!


Q: What made you want to write this book?

After coaching many women in life and business, I saw a familiar pattern show up with each of them. It was lack of confidence and the toxic comparison game.

I remember storing this information away for later and thinking I would prepare a blog or maybe even a workshop for this type of challenge. Then I woke up at 2am one night in May, 2015, with a book title running through my mind and the strong pressure that always shows up in my chest when I need to start writing.

I literally started writing the first few chapters and the entire outline in the middle of that night. It was as if my angels wouldn’t let me go back to sleep until I started the book.

So when people ask me why I wrote this book, my quick response is, that it was burning a hole inside of me and I had to get out (grin).

Q: For whom did you write this book, and with what objective? Who would be your ideal reader?

Women between the ages of 25 and 55 seem to be my sweet spot to motivate, inspire and educate.

My main objective is to give women all over the world permission to be themselves. Let them experience the freedom of being themselves without apology, without masks and without society painting a false pretense of what they think they should be.

I’m an advocate for women empowerment which means I want to show them how to create a business doing what they love, how to be authentic in a relationship, how to never stop chasing their dreams and to give themselves permission to love themselves first. I believe that true confidence shows up when you accept all of yourself, flaws and all.

Q: Is there a message in your book that you hope readers will grasp?

Most important message that I hope they seal deep within their heart is that they are unique, perfect, whole and complete just as they are. Everything else that they do to enhance that is just the frosting on the cake.

Q: What was your favorite chapter (or part) to write and why?

I liked them all as they are pieces to a puzzle that create the big overall picture of true transformation from Woman to Goddess, but if I had to pick one, I would say Chapter 7 “Climbing out of the box”.

It’s a perfect short story of when a woman starts to crack and her mask begins to slip off and crumble to the ground.

I share my story of how I went from the perfect suburb wife that was teaching Sunday School to moving to “Sin City” Las Vegas and posing lingerie in the desert.

Q: What’s the most interesting or shocking fact you learned while working on this book?

To be honest, this just felt like the next step. I have never been shy about sharing my life experiences once I felt that I had overcome them. You never share your story while you’re still neck deep in the story. So after blogging and taking my business to a global level I felt more than ready to share this guide with the rest of the world.

The only part that shocked me was how many people were hungry to read this book. The longer I put off publishing it the more frustrated I became.

I would be in the middle of a coaching session and think to myself, this client really needs to read chapter 7. Which was a kind reminder to myself to get this book out to the public ASAP.

Q: What was the hardest part of writing this book?

Keeping it short and simple and easy to use. I wanted to write and write and write. I’m a natural public speaker that loves to connect and paint a picture with words. I’ve trained myself that less is more when it comes to words. Keep the information in small bite sized chunks so that my clients can apply it to their lives easily.

Q: What do you hope to achieve with this book?

I dedicated the book to my daughter in hopes to directly impact her generation. I hope to empower women of all ages all over the globe with my career. I know that this book will be the perfect segway into more public appearances with the opportunity to transform more women into Goddesses.

Q: Would you be writing another book soon?

YES! There are way too many stories inside of me that need to be shared. “Permission to be ME” is a self-help guide so I only glaze over the surface of what my true story is. They only got the trailer version of the movie, so to speak.




Karie Millspaugh

Karie Millspaugh Promotes People with Purpose with her Public Relations and Marketing Agency. She assists her clients to be seen online, TV and on the stage with her Public Relations and Speaking Agency. Karie is also a public speaker, best-selling author, and designates most of her time empowering her audience in entrepreneurship, leadership, and business. She has started up multiple businesses herself and enjoys helping others all over the globe with their own business idea. Her PR, branding and marketing agency will tackle the challenges that most people face when getting their name out there.


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