5 Tips to keep your relationship blissful!

Published by Karie Millspaugh on

relationshipA relationship is only as strong as the two people in it. ~ Unknown

Nothing saddens my heart more, than to see a relationship between two amazing people that were made for each other, go sideways…

So… are you ready to do a complete overhaul on your current relationship? Whether it’s a brand new relationship or a marriage of 20+ years, you will find these tips helpful to say the least.

I’ve had a long-term relationship and a few short term ones as well. All in all with my life experience and human behavior skill set… I’ve come up with 5 tips that are my own little secrets that I want to share with you!

I want you to take a look at your routine now. Many of us get stuck in a rut. We love whom we are with but you find yourself eating at the same restaurants and visiting the same places. Heading to the same vacation destinations, year after year. Instead of jumping into a new relationship out of boredom, which is NOT the answer, please take a look at my recipe for exciting love. Make it a NEW love everyday of the week! Keep your woman or man and grow together, fall in love over and over again for the rest of your lives.

Blissful tip #1   Mix it UP! Break the same old routine!

What do I mean by this? Just because a special date night worked for you both in the past, doesn’t mean that doing it over and over again is any fun.  So I suggest you start with picking 5 new restaurants that neither of you have tried yet before. Then draw the names from a hat when you want to have a special quiet candlelight dinner. Do this over the next few weeks. Notice that you both will change your conversation and experience with a new environment that is something you both get to share together for the first time. If you want to take it a step further, dress for the occasion. Mexican food? Ladies…dress in bright fun colors and get your margarita on!

image002Blissful tip #2   Have sex in a variety of places!

OK this should be #1, because I believe intimacy is MANDATORY for a successful relationship!  How dull does your sex life get if you continue to have sex in the same place, at the same time, on the very same day…every week? YAAAAWN! That sounds like another task on my “to do” list… Intimacy between two people that love each other to the core and back is beyond heavenly. So take it one step further and create a list of locations you would like to check off. If this is WAY outside of your comfort zone, take baby steps. Start with christening every room in the house…then work your way to the backseat of your car, parked in the garage (keep the garage door closed if that makes you feel better). Then take a road trip. Stop where it seems fun to do the same… I’m not suggesting in the middle of a busy street to pull over and share your goods. Just have fun…safe fun! This is your true love, sharing and exploring your special lovemaking is a beautiful thing! This creates awesome pillow talk and conversation for years to come as you both reminisce about your love life.

Blissful tip #3   Change up your communication style!

If your partner calls you everyday at 3pm or at lunchtime, the predictability sets in and so does boredom. If you only text or message on social media, start calling more… Leave fun voicemails. If your partner loves to receive tangible words from you, leave love notes randomly where they can find them. Surprise them with a card or gift that isn’t on a holiday or birthday. Something unexpected no matter how big or how small always leaves a lasting impression. If you leave before your partner does for work, leave them a sticky note on the bathroom mirror. Telling them how much you love them and how you can’t wait to come home to them later that evening…maybe even add something from step #2 and tell them what you’re going to DO to them later as well! He/She will be thinking about you all day long with a smile on their face.


This is a do or die option! In fact…it isn’t an option. Sadly my marriage of 12 years failed for many reasons and one of them was because we never took a vacation! We didn’t even have a honeymoon! (gasp! I know!) I enjoy quality time with the person I love. So vacations are a huge impact to my love life. Pick new destinations that neither of you have ever explored before. Do research ahead of time and book in some activities. Depending on how long the vacation is, you may want to even do a learning class together, scuba diving, pottery, rent scooters and zoom around the island destination of your dreams, turn it into a scavenger hunt adventure. Whatever you choose to do. Book it, make it a priority and plan ahead. This sets a tone in the relationship that you matter, and are worthy of long term commitments as well.  The most enjoyable vacations are those that you can have a well thought out plan for. The mindset about booking vacations is also a great mood lifter. It gives you both something to look forward to with assurance of spending that time together and you can escape and dream about it during those stressful days at work. I also suggest purchasing a love token on each trip so that you both have a unique memory tied to that event. Pictures are great but a bracelet or picture frame is a great emotional connection that will bond you closer together.

selfloveBlissful tip #5   Be sure to always spend time loving yourself!

When you’re content and happy your partner will pick up on your happiness. This energy and vibration is very healthy for a relationship. If you feel burned out from too many work hours or giving to your partner or children, you are not going to be the best company to be around. So be sure to book that massage, take a walk, clear your head to your favorite music and meditate. Then take it a step further and book a couple’s massage or spend some quiet time lying side by side with your true love, just contently reading. You’re still in the same quiet space, yet you’re nurturing your soul with self-love.

Having the opportunity to share your life with someone is a true gift!

Do whatever it takes to keep it!

Love, hugs and sloppy kisses!
Karie Millspaugh
Wellness Coach

P.S.I hope you’ve found my tips to be helpful and if you are already implementing most into your current relationship, then let me give you a virtual “high 5”

P.P.S. Feel free to leave a comment.  I would love to hear your feedback and any additions that you may have in regards to keeping the bliss in your relationship!

Categories: Blog

Karie Millspaugh

Karie Millspaugh Promotes People with Purpose with her Public Relations and Marketing Agency. She assists her clients to be seen online, TV and on the stage with her Public Relations and Speaking Agency. Karie is also a public speaker, best-selling author, and designates most of her time empowering her audience in entrepreneurship, leadership, and business. She has started up multiple businesses herself and enjoys helping others all over the globe with their own business idea. Her PR, branding and marketing agency will tackle the challenges that most people face when getting their name out there.


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