5 Secrets to Living an Abundant Lifestyle Tip 5

Published by Karie Millspaugh on

Karie’s fifth secret to living an Abundant Lifestyle

Living an Abundant Lifestyle Secret #5


spirituality-14imgb2This is not a time for you to be judgmental or leery of what I’m about to share next. Spirituality is a broad statement and a necessity to a balanced and abundant lifestyle.

[restrict]As a child, I was raised as a Baptist Pastor’s kid. I adopted a child like faith at a tender age as I listened to stories being told of Jesus and his disciples in Sunday School.  Those bible stories still create a warmth of love around my heart, but I’m not a religious fanatic.  In fact my belief is that religion has distorted the worlds view of God, sadly.  I do not choose to label myself under a religious denomination other than Christianity.  I believe that God loves us equally and that we should be a light reflecting that love daily.

I have always stated that I am a  Christian, I do believe in Jesus and God. I was raised this way, but also in my natural rebellious nature I decided to test that belief throughout my adult years and interestingly, I came back to the same result. My parents were very tolerable of letting all 5 of their kids find their way. I encourage you take that same journey.

If you were raised Catholic, Buddhist, Hindu…it doesn’t matter. Explore your faith. Why do believe the way you do, question your surroundings and explore outside of your indoctrinated belief system. It’s an interesting journey and if anything may increase your faith or you may choose a different path altogether. Regardless it will bring you a sense of peace that you landed where you were meant to based on your own discovery not someone else’s.

We are spiritual beings so regardless whether or not you are atheist or Christian, you should get in touch with yourself, the universe and the power of meditation, the law of attraction and the list goes on. It’s a beautiful discovery when you realize that everything happens for a reason and that we must learn to trust the process, the journey. Yes I’m speaking coach lingo but that’s who I am.

My suggestion to you if you are not a spiritual person and aren’t sure how to get in touch with your inner soul.  Take a walk in nature, a stroll, a hike or even go camping.  Becoming one in nature will solidfy a belief that we are all connected.  Engaging with mother nature will bring back to a sense of peace.  Go where you can be off the grid and truly unwind.  When you allow this to happen, your world get’s quiet and you obtain the ability to listen to your own inner psychic.  Your soul will speak to you!  You will feel a sense of belonging with you and your creator.

In the Christian world, the bible clearly states that Jesus wants us to live a life full of abundance. Our creator and the universe smiles upon us and wants to give you so much. It truly is your birthright!  We just have to learn to accept, and increase the energy flow so that we can truly have our fountains in life, overflowing with goodness.

Peace, love and light![/restrict]

Karie Millspaugh

Karie Millspaugh Promotes People with Purpose with her Public Relations and Marketing Agency. She assists her clients to be seen online, TV and on the stage with her Public Relations and Speaking Agency. Karie is also a public speaker, best-selling author, and designates most of her time empowering her audience in entrepreneurship, leadership, and business. She has started up multiple businesses herself and enjoys helping others all over the globe with their own business idea. Her PR, branding and marketing agency will tackle the challenges that most people face when getting their name out there.


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