5 Secrets to Living an Abundant Lifestyle Tip 4

Published by Karie Millspaugh on

financial-freedomKarie’s fourth secret to living an Abundant Lifestyle

Living an Abundant Lifestyle Secret #4


A life of abundance wouldn’t be true without the energy of money. I used to struggle with this topic. I was raised in a religious household where money was looked at as something that would feed your ego when we were raised to be humble.

[restrict]I later saw how money could shift my entire being, energy and drive. As a business person, not having funds to create my next project or market my next coaching workshop was keeping me from helping people. That’s my mission in life and when you feel stuck because of lack of funds, your energy of love is stuck too. A certain level of frustration overcomes you and I’m not referring to telling yourself no to a pair of shoes. I’m referring to the lack of money that keeps you from seeing a family member during a crisis because the plane ticket is not in your budget.  When that circumstance happened to me, I vowed that I would do whatever it took to be financially free so that I didn’t have to turn down a family wedding or reunion do to lack of finances.

My biggest money motivator is relationships. I view money as a way to wine and dine with a loved one for a romantic dinner, or drive to the beach with my girlfriends or take my beloved daughter to a theme park. Money to me is a memory maker, a relationship builder.

I recently attended a workshop on “money personalities”. I had never thought that we each have a belief around money that we feel is the gospel truth. My dad is a saver and would do anything to avoid withdrawing money from his bank account. My mom is a spender, If it brings family together or harmony to a relationship. I see now that I take after my mom 100% , as saving is something I really have to work at.

I encourage you inquire within on how you view money. Its also very beneficial for you to understand how your partner views money also. This will create a more loving understanding of one another.

Here are the 5 money personalities that I was exposed to during my workshop:

  • The Flyer (This is me! Whatever it takes to have quality time and memories with those I love!) 
  • The Risk Taker (uh oh…this person should not live in Las Vegas)
  • The Saver (Someone sitting on a piggy bank)
  • The Spender (This person loves to make their way to the cashier everywhere they go)
  • The Thrifter (They LOVE a good deal and will brag about everything they bought with coupons and discounts)

Are you laughing yet as you view which one you are and so many others that you know of?

I recommend buying this book from the Money Couple and taking the quiz online if you’re not sure what your money personality is. The book is very helpful too as it focuses on your relationship with your partner in terms of finances. So this combines my secret #3 and #4 in one!

Lets recap:

Get clear on how you view money- this could be sabotaging you from financial success

Secondly, find out your money personality

Thirdly, find out your partners so that you can keep the peace at home and both come from a level of awareness and understanding.[/restrict]

Karie Millspaugh

Karie Millspaugh Promotes People with Purpose with her Public Relations and Marketing Agency. She assists her clients to be seen online, TV and on the stage with her Public Relations and Speaking Agency. Karie is also a public speaker, best-selling author, and designates most of her time empowering her audience in entrepreneurship, leadership, and business. She has started up multiple businesses herself and enjoys helping others all over the globe with their own business idea. Her PR, branding and marketing agency will tackle the challenges that most people face when getting their name out there.


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