5 Secrets to Living an Abundant Lifestyle Tip 3

Published by Karie Millspaugh on

Karie’s third secret to living an Abundant Lifestyle

Living an Abundant Lifestyle Secret #3


For those of you that know me very well, you may seem surprised that this isn’t my #1 tip as my whole life revolves around personal relationships.

starfishThis tip applies to all relationships:

  • Friends
  • Family
  • Romantic Partner
  • Business

It is a necessary component to your balance wheel. We all need to feel a sense of community whether your’re an extravert or an introvert.

[restrict]When you have a variety of healthy relationships all around you it states a lot about the vibration you are sending out to the universe. When you show the universe that people matter and are important to you, in return the vibration will come back to you that you matter also. Treat others as you would want to be treated. You need to be balanced in all areas of your relationships. For example if you have a great relationship with your sister, co-worker and boss but you place your spouse on the back burner then your relationship balance is off. Your priority should be your spouse, after all don’t you want smooth sailing with the person that knows where you sleep?

Our priorities get a little sideways in reference to this outlook. Not all relationships are created equal, you will not have the same view of your gardener as you do your brother.  The key thing is to keep all relationships at a healthy standard of balance, priority and with boundaries. Let me give you some examples. I have many friends and some are great influences to me. I keep some at a distance and some are those that I meet for lunch a minimum of once a week. Those that I keep at a distance are not living a standard of living that I prefer. Maybe their lifestyle is somewhat toxic and I choose to not involve myself in that environment so that I can continue growing as a person. Then there are those relationships that are soulful friends that I can trust and bond with daily if needed. They fill me, support me and love me unconditionally. That’s the type of friend you will see more often then the toxic friend. Be mindful of who you give your quality time to. Think of time as an investment, like money. Spend time with those that you will get the best return on investment from.

So think of your circle and list them by priority. Use numbers if you have to. Then calculate the time spent with each friend on a regular basis, this can be weekly.

I did this outline and realized that I was spending way too much time with co-workers and not enough time with the man I loved, my daughter and my family. It should have been reversed.  My boyfriend at that time reminded me that co-workers come and go and careers do too, but family is who sticks by your side.  He is right.  I had to learn this through my own journey as I changed my point of view.  I do understand that you may not get along with all of your family members and everyone has their favorites.  The key is to keep the relationship open, and honest.  Keep the communication to a level where both of you feel that reaching out to each other would be a comfortable gesture.  Keep the lines open so to say.  If you have past grudges, tackle them.  Life is too short to leave unresolved issues keeping you and a loved one apart.

I share these tips with you so you can be mindful of what area in your life that you may be falling short. I want you to be happy, healthy and skipping into the next year.

So lets recap:

  • All relationships should be healthy in your life
  • Keep the line of communication open and grudge free
  • Prioritize the relationships of value and be sure you’re not investing time with the wrong person
  • Family matters, careers come and go


Karie Millspaugh

Karie Millspaugh Promotes People with Purpose with her Public Relations and Marketing Agency. She assists her clients to be seen online, TV and on the stage with her Public Relations and Speaking Agency. Karie is also a public speaker, best-selling author, and designates most of her time empowering her audience in entrepreneurship, leadership, and business. She has started up multiple businesses herself and enjoys helping others all over the globe with their own business idea. Her PR, branding and marketing agency will tackle the challenges that most people face when getting their name out there.


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