Three tips to assure a peaceful Holiday …
Three tips to assure a peaceful Holiday …

Isn’t this picture pretty? I took it at the Cracker Barrel in Utah
How was your thanksgiving?
Mine was great my brother from Hawaii is spending 2 weeks with me. Hes never visited the South West area of the United States so Im doing my best to treat him to the Las Vegas tourist hot spots as well as hitting Zion in Utah and San Diego, California.
Trust me Im exhausted but Im having so much FUN! Im writing this from our Oceanside, California 2 bedroom timeshare. We have 3 days planned of hikes along the ocean in La Jolla the San Diego zoo and whatever else I can fit into our days here.
Ive attached some pictures of our adventures so far. Trust me there are TOO many pictures to share but you get the idea. (smile)

Silly Karie in Zion- Nature is where I’m most at home!
*Small Challenge* Hes a 47 year old single man and I also have my 9 year old daughter with me so Im trying to be creative with keeping two drastic age differences content with our many trips.
Which leads me to my topic of the week. Do you find that you are trying so hard to please everyone around you that you forget to put yourself on that list?? and as we are in the midst of the Holidays, your to do list is growing and youre shrinking ???

My brother and me…with one little girl in the middle that said the sun was too bright 🙂
If you have kept up with my blogs and postings of my vulnerable stories of myself you will read that I snapped at one point in my life from ignoring my needs. (Read story here)
Please dont do that to yourself I care too much about you to let that happen.
Before the Holiday Chaos grows in your head, heart and household I would like to urge you some time to breathe and follow some of my simple tips.

My GORGEOUS daughter at Zion National Park
Tip 1
Time alone must be a PRIORITY When do you get that sweet spot in your day that is just yours? Is it in the morning before the household awakes or is it that evening hour after everyone is asleep? Maybe its when the kids are in school and you have some precious minutes to yourself? Whenever that precious time is, save a date with yourself daily if possible.
Dont squeeze in house keeping or running errands. This is YOUR time to be quiet, with a book meditate, enjoy a hobby, write in a journal. No matter what the case is, DO NOT back down from your quiet ME time dont let this be the time that you call your friends or family either. ME TIME = TIME ALONE WITH YOURSELF. You will find that you are more at peace and less stressed. Stress causes weight gain and many other health related issues.

Tip 2
Make tasks lists in the morning and/or before bed. In order to empty your head before sleeping, write down what you want to accomplish the next day and add to it in the morning. This is the only way I can stay on top of my to do list and turn my brain off. Then do yourself a favor Make 3 Categories sectioned by level of importance. Must be done today- this week, or this month. However you wish to break it up, so that you dont add to your overwhelm.
Tip 3
Get REALLY CLEAR on what is most important.
Holidays are meant for family time and reflecting the year that has passed and what changes you would like to apply to the New Year.
Maybe you have some serious goals you would like to achieve, lose weight, get married, start a business ?? To name a few

What Matters Most?
Dont let this time of year run your life. True gifts are not the kind with price tags on them. The gifts that your loved ones will remember are memories, quality time, laughter, love and kindness. My favorite traditions around this time of year had nothing to do with opening up presents which goes to show that the instilled childhood memories that I treasure had an emotion attached to them. Such as Christmas Caroling at a senior citizens home, baking cookies for our neighbors and acting in plays at church. (I was always stuck playing an angel for some reason)
I dont want to push my opinions of what YOUR holidays should look like, My only hope for you is to have an abundant life of peace and happiness. I will always share ways to achieve that in your life as I want everyone to feel FULL like I do everyday!
Now go get your to do list and prioritize what is important, and what can wait let me know if these tips help you feel more at rest and less stressed. Its time you savored the Holidays and embraced the love around you instead of rushing through life in a frenzy of craziness that isn’t necessary… and not attractive either (BIG SMILES)
Much love to you
Yours in abundance,
Karie Millspaugh
Your Wellness Coach