Social Media

Social Media

I hear many of my clients state that they don’t have time for Social Media in their business.  My response is, create the time or hire someone to do it for you.

In this day and age, 90% of your viewers are seeking you out on their smartphones, you cannot afford to be invisible.

What’s interesting is that you are actually HURTING your brand by not having multiple social media pages.

Each social media platform has a presence and ideal client.  Each platform has it’s purpose.

Facebook is more social while Linked In is more educational.

When I work with my clients I suggest that their Facebook account be 80% social, 20% business.  Linked In is the opposite, 20% Social, 80% Business.

Twitter is for the fast moving crowd that want information at their fingertips.  Instagram is more for those that like to express their feelings and emotions.

By working with me, we can nail down which platform will work best for your business and capitalize on that exponentially.

We also have options for us to manage your social media accounts as well with month to month packages