5 MUST HAVE tips to stay youthful and thriving!
5 MUST HAVE tips to stay youthful and thriving!
As I approach the big 4 -0! I’m researching more and more about how to not just LOOK younger but also FEEL younger! In my world of natural health, feeling great always trumps looking great. When you radiate happiness and tackle a strenuous hike with ease you feel like you’re on top of the world! When you glow from the inside out, you’re naturally beautiful and I’m not just referring to a sweaty kind of glow. As I research this for myself, I will gladly take you along for the ride. I will be launching an entire “interview with the health experts” series on keeping your youth and sex appeal, so stay tuned for that in the next few months! <insert > happy dance here!
There are many great practices that we can instill into our everyday life to keep our youthfulness. I like to start you off with 5 simple ones…then tackle more as I throw them your way. Get your catcher’s mitt on!
Beauty truly does come from the inside… out!
1) STAY ACTIVE: A body in motion starts to CRAVE more motion. You will hear runners complain if they can’t get their run in that day or those that exercise on a routine, will complain that their body is craving exercise. You can train your body to feel the same way. It won’t happen overnight but it’s worth a shot. Start with a walk around your neighborhood, and then increase more and more FUN activities into your life. I’m not a fan of staring off into space at a boring gym surrounded by other sweaty bodies. I prefer a fun class at the gym which causes me to think as well as be active. I am also a nature- a- holic. I THRIVE in fresh air… sometimes I wonder if I should just LIVE outside… (kidding…sort of). I play volleyball once a week, tennis and a variety of hikes and bike rides to add more fun to my active diet. Gym time doesn’t have to be boring either. Go with a friend, download your favorite music to your iPod then make it a game to work out for as long as your favorite playlist runs. (Picture is of me and my daughter after we ran a 5k together)
2) Have LOTS of sex! Per Dr. Oz, women who enjoy sex live longer. I’m not referring to one night stands or having many partners, anyone that knows me personally KNOWS this is not my lifestyle. I’m referring to ENJOYALBE sex with your long lasting love partner. This activity makes you feel sexy, and adds to a very vibrant youth appeal. After all, the purpose to have sex is to procreate. That’s what YOUTHFUL people do… keep the spice in your love life. Mix up your routine, try on new sexy clothes, new perfumes and enjoy your body and lover!
3) Drink nothing… I repeat… NOTHING but H20… Coffee and Tea sparingly… but your only choice of beverage should be water. This beverage helps your joints, builds muscle, suppresses your appetite, keeps your brain active and keeps your skin looking RADIANT! There are 5 tips within 5 tips right there! Think of your skin as a dry desert ground and I can relate as I LIVE in the desert. Without water it will crack, dry up, less resilient … just add water for smoother and younger looking skin. That reason alone should help you transition over to the best beverage that nature intended you to drink. Our ancestors didn’t use aspartame laced crystal light to make their water “taste” better… Don’t get me started on that alone… do your body a favor by switching over. If you don’t like the taste of water, cut up fruit wedges, limes, oranges, lemons to add… and that only!
4) Play with children, like a CHILD does: Nothing is more effective than reconnecting with your inner child then actually playing with one! I could show you some interesting videos of me playing Barbie’s on the floor with my niece! I sing in the car with my 9 year old daughter. I make silly voices and play act with her all the time, I even have a video of me in one of her “dress up” dresses- performing a “fashion show” that we hosted in our home with her and her friends. Yes, I’m that mom! I dress up in 80’s clothes when we go roller skating. I wear a short hot pink mini skirt to match my hot pink wheels of my skates. I dress up for Halloween and at any other event that I can get away with…. I spend so much of my time being the stiff corporate mom that I need to get out of my head more and into my heart. What better way to reconnect with your inner child, where your silliness is buried then when acting out with your kids …this goes for you too, dads. It’s ok to play pirates or be captain hook once in awhile. This truly warms my heart! It will ease your mind, your stress load and you will feel carefree again! Trust me…IT WORKS!
5) Learn something new: Using your brain and consistently forcing yourself to learn a new project, dance, or strategy will keep your mind alive and active. Try driving home a different route instead of always driving on auto-pilot. Read a self help book and APPLY it to your life. I suggest work books that force you to write down your thoughts and articulate your feedback. Memorize your affirmations or scripture verses. If you perform in plays, this is a great mind workout. I grew up in theater and would memorize the entire screenplay. My lines and fellow actors, for fun! Your mind will be alert and on fire! Try to master a new skill or hobby. This will push you outside of your comfort zone…
If you would like to share some healthy tips that you have, pleast leave a comment below… even if its the latest face mask made from your grandma’s peach jelly… add it to our comments!
All my love and support,
Karie Millspaugh
Wellness Coach