Why Soul Sister Connections are Priceless
Why Soul Sister Connections are Priceless!
My dear ladies… stop trying to make your lover, husband, partner in life your best girl friend.
Men do not want to hear about all the challenges that us women face or even think about on a daily basis.
They want to be YOUR HERO! They want to be your knight in shining armor, your lover…
When we start to drag them around shopping with us and to the nail salon, we are literally stripping away their manhood.
You, my dear Goddess, need GIRL TIME!
Girls understand each other and we listen well and sympathize at a level that men don’t quite understand.
We also gain so much from having those sister like relationships where we can take off our mask and truly be REAL with one another.
Watch this video and plan a girls only get together.
Your man will thank me… xx