Why are we so stubborn about change?
Change is GOOD! Especially when it is for the better!
Do you find it funny how we avoid trying new things? Resist change for the sake of change? Then once youve tried it, youre kicking yourself for not doing it sooner?
Just like the seasons change in our climate, we should embrace change for the sake of growing.
Let me give you an example from my own experiences….
I was a diehard blackberry user; many of us that had one would call it our crackberry. I thought it was the best invention ever and I could text faster than anyone, without even looking at the screen!! Then my peers had started to switch over to better smart phones with touch screens and everyone that had an iPhone, swore it was the best thing ever! Then they would forewarn me that I would have to get used to the touch screen for texting but that I would adapt. The stubborn side of me didnt want to change. I already knew how to text super fast with my crackberry. If its not broke, then why fix it? So I put off switching my phone and got an even BETTER blackberry instead. Still thinking that its all about texting and not the other features that I was missing out on because I was resisting LEARNING something new. Through my cell carrier I was offered an upgrade so I waited for the new iPhone 5 to show up before switching over. When I did
my new
phone was my very best friend! Sure texting was a challenge at first
well for maybe 2 days tops! Then I was flying all over the phone, making updates easier on social media, checking multiple email addresses and I was BLOWN away that I could run my entire business from my silly phone! I was shocked and mad at myself for prolonging something so wonderful. I wished I had upgraded years ago
how silly of me to stay stuck at what felt familiar.
Do you see yourself in my story?
Maybe its not in regards to a smart phone. Maybe its a new software to learn at work that will make your life more streamlined? Maybe its a new workout routine that youve never tried before but will be more enjoyable and get you to a quicker result? Maybe its a new career altogether?
I want you to ask yourself what youre putting off or resisting right now in your life that may feel uncomfortable at first, but will be such a nice addition to your life. This very newsletter or blog that Ive written was new at one time in my life and felt uncomfortable. When you have your own online business you have to learn a lot about software and social media. I feel like Im learning something new every week, once its familiar its smooth sailing. I am aware of this pattern now so I can pick up on my level of resistance before I get stuck in whatever area of life that can happen in.
Do this little exercise now- go get a pen and paper and write this down.
1) What am I procrastinating with right now?
2) Why am I putting this off? Is it because you dont know how to do it? Will it drastically change your life? Etc
3) What will life look like when I overcome this resistance and get comfortable with this new change? Could be a new system youre learning at work? Could be a relationship commitment? Could be organizing your closet?
Lastly write down what the new change will look like in the future. In fact, write down a story of how this change will be wonderful to your life as if IT HAS ALREADY HAPPENED as it NOW IS IN THE PAST! How cool is that!
If I would have written down, I love my new iPhone, it wasnt as hard as I thought to text with and I was simple amazed at its features for helping me run my business. I would have ran to the store a lot sooner to upgrade.
I know thats a silly impersonal story, but I want you to see that in yourself. With the REALLY BIG things in life that you want, but are afraid to go after because you fear change or learning something new
Lets stop feeling stuck and get on with your life dreams and goals!
Sounds good? See you on the other side of resistance!
Share with me in the comments below of when you resisted something so silly and it turned out to be one of the best changes youve ever had.
All my best!
Karie Millspaugh
Wellness Coach