What can exposure do for you and your brand?
What can exposure do for you and your brand?
Its been 2 weeks since the American Idol finale and Im going through withdrawal. I lost touch with the show years ago but my daughter really felt drawn to watching this latest season. Im sure the judges had something to do with it as we are both fans of Lionel Richie, Katy Perry and Luke Bryan.
What was so beautiful about watching this season from auditions to the end was that we saw young adults, and yes most are kids, become super stars overnight!
Some were simple teens one day, living in a small town and going about their day unnoticed to having to schedule late night hair appointments with their favorite stylist for fear of being mobbed.
I love that these kids literally go from hidden talent to exposed talent in a matter of months!
I did my research on my favorites who were Maddie Poppe, Gabby Barrett, and Cade Foehner. All of them had been working diligently on their singing careers. Let’s pause for a moment and just say WOW for Cade, what a true natural talent! He has brought back rock music in a new way with his natural ability to pick up a guitar and play anything. So when I stalked the top 5 finalist online to write this article, I noticed that they each had their Instagram following along with their YouTube channel full of singing videos but hadnt struck gold yet. It’s especially endearing to see their older videos and see how far they have come.
They were doing the work all along, they were ALWAYS talented, we just didn’t know they existed yet.
Can you relate to this? Youre going through the motions, youre setting up the social media platforms, youve got plenty of followers but something is missing.
You know that you need some massive exposure to truly fan the flame of your brand and business.
When I work with clients with their marketing I always recommend adding publicity to their work also.
Marketing is getting your ducks in a row or as I like to say, getting your boat ready to reel in the big fish.
If your boat has leaks in it, or is too small, you will capsize when trying to fish for much larger opportunities.
No different than trying to blow up your business but your website can’t even sustain that sort of online traffic yet. I speak from experience as my site has gone down before during certain launches. So get your boat “capsize proof” first…
As I reflect back again to American Idol, I noticed that Bobby Bones, also an artist, had made a guest appearance on Idol and was coaching the young artists on whats to come. He covered everything from confidence and stage presence to social media. He pointed out to Marcio Donaldson, one of the singers that was in the top 14, that he didnt even have an Instagram account yet. In fact, he was teasing but yet being serious. How are you going to woo your fans and engage with them when youre hiding? Of course he now has over 63,000 followers but I found that to be interesting advice that I never thought you would have to give to a millennial.
The point of me sharing this experience with you is that I meet with potential clients daily. I see their current situation with their brand and I see where they want to go.
I want to give you some serious inspiration. Just because it has happened yet, doesnt mean it wont.
Get your boat ready first, which is a solid website, and plenty of social media exposure. Then hire a publicist or agent to really get your brand exposed in the best way possible through Press Release, Media Appearances and more.
Our agency has 2 parts to it, one with the digital media and branding then recently we added the publicity side so we can fan that flame to your brand to really get you noticed.
I always say, you first need to be seen in order to be known.
Do you feel like a hidden success story?
Do you doubt that maybe youre just not good enough?
Trust me, these young American Idol singers were also doubting that their talent wasnt worthy of record sales and sold out concerts. Then more exposure turned up that volume and they were instantly recognized and praised for their gifts and abilities. Even Katy Perry mentioned often how she couldnt wait to go to their concerts.
How can we assist YOU with turning up the volume on your brand and business?
Would you like to have someone fan that flame so you can help more people, sell more products and make a bigger difference on this planet?
If so, fill out this simple questionnaire and tell us about your story by clicking >>>>>>>>>HERE.
We will then contact you to schedule a free consult.
I believe we all have gifts to share, and my job is to help you get SEEN.
Karie Millspaugh
CEO of Publicity Creations by Design and 5 Star Keynote Speakers