Resistance… isn’t doing you any favors, is it?
Resistance…isn’t doing you any favors,
is it?
I had a project that sat on my desk for 4 weeks! The longer it sat there the more depressed I would feel, in fact I would start to feel really sluggish. I would find an excuse to nap instead of tackling that project. Then a newer more exciting project showed up on my to do list and I let myself get carried away with that instead because in my head it was urgent. Then as soon as that one was done, I found housework that I needed to do instead. In fact, I cleaned and organized my entire garage, along with purchasing shelves! As hard as I worked on those other projects the worse I felt when I saw my business outline of projects that must be completed by the end of the summer. Its amazing what shiny objects we can chase when we are avoiding a major project just outside of our comfort zone. We call this S.O.S
shiny object syndrome.
You see, that project that I was avoiding was going to make me reach outside of my comfort zone and cause me to grow professionally! Tackling a task that you’re already an expert at, isn’t quite as challenging. In fact its soothing because you know you can tackle it and you will come out looking like a superstar! Well guess what? I faced that project head on. I gave myself a deadline and told many others that would hold me accountable. It took me an entire Sunday to complete it. Oddly, resistance didnt just show up in me, it showed up AROUND me as well. Its our energy that we extend I had technical issues; the power went out because it was storming, I had to stop halfway through to pick up my daughter at her friends house unexpectedly. I was afraid I would lose my momentum but my strong will kicked into high gear. I told myself and others I would have this project finished TODAY! Lo and behold I did it and right after I completed my project, is when my power went out from a thunderstorm!
Looking back over that day I laugh to myself as I now I see the signs of what resistance looks like. If I were weak on my decision, I would have caved in to the distractions all around me. Trust me I would have rather gone shopping on a Sunday afternoon, a hike or out with friends but I stuck to my guns.
After that project was complete, I was chipper, dancing around the house and singing. My 9 year old thought I had lost my mind, since earlier that day I told her that mommy needed a time out from everything. No distractions then here I am dancing and singing up the stairs to her room because that HUGE weight was off my back.
Moral of this story is that everything weve ever wanted is on the other side of resistance. The first step is noticing that we are resisting something in the first place. The higher the resistance levels the bigger the reward. There is a serious chance that what we are resisting is what our heart truly desires. Therefore we fear getting hurt or feeling disappointment. This can apply to weight loss, relationships, career choices and more.
I used to identify the word resistance with procrastination or fear of danger. For example, you may hesitate or resist jumping off a cliff into the ocean. Maybe that level of hesitation is your gut telling you that there is danger up ahead, maybe its premonition? That is what I used to believe resistance was. Not the same my friends.
As I entered the coaching world in 2005 I adapted to a new culture and way of thinking. The word resistance comes up often with clients. There are many books that are written on this topic alone. One of them is The War of Art by Steven Pressfield. When I read the War of Art my eyes were opened to the levels of resistance that happen inside your mind and outside of you. Its a negative energy and emotion.
So ask yourself what are you putting off? Find out why you are resisting that opportunity. Is it your ego getting in the way, for fear of failure or looking foolish? Is it fear of getting hurt or disappointed? I promise you that holding back will feel worse; it can actually start to affect your overall health. Youre better off throwing caution to the wind and jumping in, head first than living with regret for the rest of your life and always wondering, what if?
Push forward my friends!
Your dreams are on the other side!
All my love and respect,
Karie Millspaugh
Abundance Coach