Just keep swimming….
How do you relate to goals? Are they one big mountain looming in front of you that seems scary, overwhelming and youre skeptical to even take the first step? Or
do you just shine a light on the path ahead of you long enough to get you to the next step
Which is the smart route to go – no need to see the WHOLE step by step process or figure it out all at once. Just keep taking steps
or as Dorothy would say in the movie, Nemo- just keep swimming
just keep swimming. Otherwise, the current will take you away or worse, you may sink to the bottom. Is that where you want to be? With the other bottom feeders?
Key strategies to goal setting and tackling:
Make a list of the end result that you wish to obtain:
Example, losing 35lbs- that sounds daunting for some at first
BUT—Break it up to losing that over 6-12 months which ends up only being 1/2 lb 1lb a week- depending on the goal of 6 or 12 months. That doesnt sound so hard now does it?
Keep a steady pace and game plan strategy of how to chip away at your goal. Make it a daily goal. If you find yourself struggling with eliminating bad habits from your life and adding new ones. Do yourself a big favor and read Darren Hardys book The Compound Effect. Sometimes its just eliminating a few bad habits that will get you to your goal. For example, Im huge on getting my clients to cut out time wasters sleeping in late, chatting online about nothing in particular, watching the news or television that doesnt help your brain grow. Instead of watching reality TV, go create your own reality! Ok my passionate side came out.
Ok so you get my point. Write out the goal- then break it up into months, weeks, days. Now it looks attainable and Ta Da! You are on your way to knocking it out of the park! Yeah for YOU!
If you need a coach to help you get clear on goals and strategies dont think about it- get one now! Every day is one day lost that you will never get back, and yes, as Ive said a million times before- there is never a right time to get started, Just Do It! (thank you, Nike that statement rocks!)
Love Peace and extra special guidance~
Karie Millspaugh
Wellness Coach
P.S Leave me a reply below of a goal you’ve tackled recently and how good it felt to accomplish it.