Its time to WRITE A NEW STORY…

Published by Karie Millspaugh on

Its time to WRITE A NEW STORY…

What story are you telling yourself every day?

I always attract the “wrong type of guy”

I can’t lose weight I always attract the wrong type of client

Business is HARD

Single motherhood is tough

I am always broke

I don’t have any friends

No one cares about me…

Any of these sound familiar?

Want to write a new script so that it matches what you WANT instead of what you DON’T WANT?

I challenge you to try this for 30 days… I noticed a difference within 24 hours and you can too!

Categories: Blog

Karie Millspaugh

Karie Millspaugh, a seasoned pro with a knack for business strategy, executive leadership, communications, PR, and digital marketing. As the visionary force behind Leadership Solutions by Design, a premier coaching and training agency, she lends her strategic acumen to executives from major tech giants like Microsoft, as well as to nimble startups and medium-sized enterprises alike.


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