I stripped it all down for the holidays…
You heard me right. I bared it all, stood completely vulnerable and naked as I looked at my old beliefs behind me. At times I wanted to pick them up and try them back on because, like an old shoe…they felt comfortable. Pain, struggle and tears were my “old normal”.
I’ve been working with my coach and others that I trust in my support group to help me unveil that old Karie identity.
This was my experience. I chose to really go inward to see why certain areas of my life were not clicking, working…falling into place. Let me tell you, it’s not easy looking into that mirror and unveiling the reasons you hide behind a certain “identity” and hope that the mask never slips.
The easy route to go is to blame others for our mistakes, past choices and judge others for their behaviors instead of looking inward. That’s what victims do. They project outward that it’s everyone else’s “fault” that their life looks a certain way or things didn’t work out.
So through this journey that I took recently I looked at the identity I had created for myself. That everything comes with a price, that life is HARD… even in finances and my love life. If things came to me too easily I would create challenges because something just felt off about the simple easy flow.
Of course I didn’t realize at the time that I had created the belief in the first place. It wasn’t anyone’s fault in my life that certain things weren’t falling into place. I was causing that friction because it felt normal to me.
Let me explain how powerful the mind is. Once you’ve decided a certain instance, or circumstance in your life is “TRUTH”… your life will prove you right over and over again.
Example: When I first experienced that I was undeserving to feel and be loved, I created that belief deep into my bones. I took that throughout my life. That belief was the seed that I planted for years to come and my life pattern created that to appear true. I never felt loved and appreciated from my ex-husband and I carried that over into the last passionate relationship that I had as well.
Guess what?
I get to be loved… I get to FEEL love…because I AM LOVE!
So this NEW IDENTITY feels like a party dress to me! Fun…exciting and JOYFUL!
I am a powerful creator and I GET TO be and feel whatever I choose.
This feeling, this belief is now my “NEW NORMAL”
Watch this interview with my Mind Body Mentor, Marci Lock as we uncover how I’ve created so much transformation in a short 90 days!
Want to work with Marci Lock as well? You can apply here…
Application Process
Much love to all of you!
Karie Millspaugh
Business Coach for Entrepreneurs ~ Purpose to Profits