I can predict the future, can you?
I can predict the future, can you?
Have you ever wanted something so bad that you could taste it?
You see the finish line and you know in your heart that everything will fall into place… for example: you spot a dress in a window display that you fall in love with…but its way overpriced. You envision yourself in that dress and what shoes you will buy . Then you walk by one day and notice it on the sale rack and lo and behold, its the last one left and in YOUR SIZE! Oh my! It was meant to be!! RIGHT??
It all starts in your mind.
Youve heard the quote from Henry Ford ~ Whether you think you can or you cant, youre right.
Allow me to share something silly with you I want you to embrace just how powerful you truly are by seeing yourself in my story.
I remember when I bought my first home. It was the spring of 1996 and I was only 22
my fiancé and I started looking at model homes. We had chosen the neighborhood but needed to decide on which of the 4 model homes that we liked best. I remember driving through the neighborhood
even though the waiting list was long for the home that I wanted … I could still clearly envision my new home with us living there. I could see the front porch, the flowerbeds, the front lawn lights, decorative rocks
even the color that I would paint the front door and shutters! As we walked through the 4 model homes I realized that I had to use the bathroom
silly confession
I actually USED the model home bathroom
IN the model I wanted!! Yes
Im embarrassed to say that I had my fiancé stand watch to make sure no one was coming! For some reason there werent any doors on the model home
I guess it made it easier for viewing each room. I didnt just use any bathroom, I used the master suite bathroom.
As I sat there, doing what nature had called me to do
I envisioned how I would decorate that exact bathroom. How I would decorate the bedroom and how much I liked their placement of mirrors on the wall…art pieces and more
I giggled as I flushed the toilet, and smiled to myself knowing in my heart, that I would own that exact model one day. As the days turned into weeks and months
I found myself buried in wedding plans. Then one day
I got THE CALL. The call that every new bride wants to hear, we were on a long waiting list for a new home in that neighborhood. Luckily for us, someone had to back out of their home purchase due to financial reasons. It was the exact model and color that I wanted!! We drove over to the house, as it was already partially finished. I was so excited! The layout was just what I wanted!
We moved into that home the weekend after our wedding and lived there for 12 years many good memories including bringing my precious newborn home on March 28th, 2004.
Now Im not telling you to mark your territory of what you want in life like I did but the moral of the story is that when you can feel what you really want deep inside of your heart and see it play out before you in detail, there is a VERY good chance that it will come true. Youve heard the saying- Where there is a will, there is a way same strategy.
Your mind is extraordinarily powerful!
Sadly this works in reversal also. On February 2nd, 2002 I had a similar powerful thought, only this one didnt have a happy ending.
My family and I were cross-country skiing. The snow was fresh and the day was bright as we covered a well-groomed trail not far from my mothers home.
This type of a skiing is a great cardiovascular exercise to help speed up the long winter months of Michigan. I did something stupid that day and skied down a steep hill that wasnt really meant for cross-country skis. The sad part is just as I left the top of the hill, my head told me
Youre going to fall in LOUD audible thoughts and sure enough my body reacted with obedience.
I fractured my left ankle in 2 places and fractured my left shoulder as well. This wasnt my mind preparing me for a prediction this was my mind MAKING my doubts come to life!
I had to ski back about 1-2 miles for help as we were in the middle of a forest . I sang the whole way back, thought happy thoughts and held on to my strength for survival sake. Another example of how powerful our thoughts are as I made it back to my moms, took off my ski boot and immediately lost my mind as my brain acknowledged the swollen purple ankle. When I couldnt visibly see the damage I was in a better state of mind calm and singing on the ski trail. I share my minor life experiences with you so that you too can reflect on your life and how you can alter your thoughts and create the life you want instead of focusing on what you DONT want to happen
What you focus on EXPANDS
make sure its something pretty awesome!
Here is a great link to an article that explains how you can train your mind to do the impossible. The act of meditation with intent is powerful!
So do yourself a favor and think about what you want to happen this year. Write those thoughts down go deep with the details. If you want a new car, write down the brand, color seats, upgrades, rims the songs you will play on the stereo go really deep with your intent.
What about your health? Do you see a thinner more active you? One that feels awesome in her body and can turn heads again? Are you more confident? Are you wearing that awesome red dress that you saw in the window display
not just wearing it
but 3 sizes smaller than before!! Woo HOO!!! Cmon girl
its time to kick start 2014 by envisioning your goals, then getting a mentor and guide to make sure you get there without giving up
or falling short.
This is YOUR year make it count!
All my love and kick butt coaching!
Karie Millspaugh
Wellness Coach