From Pain to Passion
From Pain to Passion
Digging deep and tapping into what fuels you is POWERFUL!
I was reminded of my initial passion for natural health this past weekend. In fact Im trying my best not to cry as I type this out
I logged into Facebook late Saturday night and a post caught my eye it was a friend of mines teenage son making a post on HER page stating if anyone wants information about my moms funeral, please text me my heart jumped! NO!!! Shes only 41! How ? How??? Then as I scrolled through the timeline posts on her page I remembered her telling me in confidence 3 years ago that she was being treated at the Mayo clinic for stomach cancer My heart sunk. I thought she had beaten it. We had lost touch somewhat after she moved away from Las Vegas 3 years ago. I started going through her posts on instagram and facebook looking for a sign of illness. She had just gotten remarried a month or so ago, seemed full of life yet dangerously on the too skinny side. My guess is that my girlfriend was doing her best to just LIVE while she was here as if everyday were her last instead of focusing on dying.
This beautiful friend of mines name will remain nameless to respect her privacy. She was one of the first people to take me under her wing as a new resident of Las Vegas back in 2008. I first met her as my new hair stylist at a salon close to my home. She quickly introduced me to friends of hers, referred me to doctors that I still use today for my annual check ups, even took my daughter Shyla and I trick or treating that first Halloween in Vegas. We also spent Thanksgiving together as she and I were both going through a divorce and were bonding during our emotional transition. She was an angel
someone that was always smiling and full of life. Underneath her smile was a lot of emotional pain as she had experienced a lot of loss in her life. As I started to feel robbed that her life was taken too soon I remembered something unique about her situation. My dear friend, gorgeous and radiant had a vice. She would drink a soda with the name Doctor in it, (ironic- I know) by the bucket loads
she would even post about it on social media, as if it were humorous. I remember seeing her 48 oz sized cups full of this substance at the salon during my many visits. She went everywhere with that straw and mug filled with poison.
Im not going to make medical claims in this blog, but you do the math
she had stomach cancer, and never stopped drinking this soda. She started to shrink to super model size, although still looking great on the outside; she was dying on the inside. That outer appearance isnt so important when youre lying in your casket with loved ones feeling lost and confused left behind. Im not going to apologize for being bold with my feelings because in all honesty Im ANGRY!
My mission to natural health wasnt just a fad for me when I dove in head first in education over 10 years ago. It started with trying to figure out why I wasnt able to carry a baby
then when I did get pregnant, I realized that everything that came near my body was also affecting my baby. It was also out of pain
tired of seeing the ones I love being buried or sick. I am ANGRY that we have such terrible food choices and that so many rely on the MEDIA to educate them on WHAT TO EAT!
Since when was McDonalds commercials a reliable source of proper education??
So I say all that to tell you this. This weekend was a reminder of my true passion that has always been ignited, but seeing my beautiful friends life end way too soon turned that fire into an explosion. I will do whatever it takes to make my voice heard. I will do whatever it takes to help others have a healthier existence on this planet. I am grateful to have known her and she will be terribly missed and I will keep her memory alive as a reminder of my true genuine passion for natural health.
Along with her memory, is my little 5 year old cousin that died of cancer, my sisters illnesses, my aunt that was just diagnosed with cancer, my grandmothers diabetes, cancer, Alzheimers, my aunt and uncle that are suffering from many ailments including cancer. I will use these souls as my fire to go out into the world and LIVE BIGGER
BE LOUDER and BE BOLD regardless of the bad days, or the times I feel weary. This mission is mine and I happily accept it!
Watch out World! Ms. Karie is going to be playing BIGGER than ever!
What is your passion? Has it fizzled out or have you placed it on the back burner? What can you do to re-ignite that fire so that you can live your true purpose as well?
Feel free to comment below or connect with me personally if youre ready to LIVE BIG and BE HEARD!
All my genuine love and compassion,
Karie Millspaugh
Wellness Coach