Fear or Faith?
I woke up Sunday morning with dread in my heart
I wasnt sure where that feeling came from but it was the icky kind the kind that keeps you IN bed all day I played with the idea of attending church and then chose not to I told myself that I deserved one lazy morning without having to be somewhere. That was probably not the best idea to have as I needed that spiritual connection as I was feeling the effects of FEAR.
I woke up in fear, then decided to stay there as my day continued my mood got worse. Im not even sure what I was in fear OF? Maybe it was financial? Loss of love? My health is wonderful, my business is soaring, my lifestyle is expanding and getting more enjoyable every day. Where is this coming from I thought as I got even MORE MOODY
No this wasnt PMS for those that were thinking it! (grin)
Then I realized I was beginning something new this week a 3 day detox with my personal coach and had joined a 90 day mind body challenge within a mastermind of epic and amazing people! Those that are soaring in their careers and are ready to up level their life and business.
I was in fear mode because I was afraid it may not work or of trying something new. I was very grumpy as I searched for the necessary ingredients of my detox tea concoction that my coach had suggested as part of the protocol.
Ive been training myself to live more consciously in the last 5 years and did an immediate self-checkup. Ok Karie what is going on? Where is this fear coming from?
As I asked myself questions, I got answers. I was in resistance mode and fighting the changes around me, EVEN THOUGH they are what I asked for. I have the dream career that Ive always wanted and worked hard for in the past few years! I have amazing friends, my daughter is THRIVING in school and socially my family is my greatest blessing and now I have more freedom to see them
So whats the problem?
I chose fear
and kept choosing it all day long which turned into a day that I wanted to wipe off the calendar and start over. I let the little demons in my head start to whisper that maybe all these changes for the better in my life werent going to last
or worse, I wouldnt get the results of my current goals. Maybe Im not worthy of better
and on and on those voices will go until YOU take control and CHOOSE FAITH!
Ive seen this topic a lot in the past month with my own clients and with myself working with my coach.
Im reading Outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill which was originally written in 1938! That man was way ahead of his time! He refers to so much that we are just learning and experiencing today! In some instances it was as if he was foreseeing the future of our country and downfalls that we would face, like a prophet.
In that book I realized that we have 2 choices every day when we wake up to choose FEAR or FAITH.
I would have loved to have chosen faith that day gone to church, connected with my spiritual like-minded warriors and embraced my new task of doing a detox and seeing it as a great way to welcome change into my life instead of groaning and moaning all the way to the health food store mumbling about how I hate details. Go ahead and laugh I AM!
Why do I share my bad days with you?
Because Im human Im not perfect I have my own personal demons that I fight each day to break through to success and overcome obstacles. It always looks easy and perfect from the outside looking in. I share to ENCOURAGE you…
We all have choices
I choose to watch my thoughts when I first wake up. To CHOOSE faith and KNOW in my heart that everything will always work out, and that where I am today was divinely chosen and that the path before me is already paved with love, kindness and success!
I wish the same for you my friend. Whether you believe in God or the Devil or anything supernatural, you know Im speaking truth.
Dont let evil win in your life and household. Its like giving the devil the key to your life and telling him that hes in control
Take back your life CHOOSE FAITH and start believing in yourself and trusting that God and the Universe have your back!
With all my love and support and a reminder to continue CHASING your DREAMS!
Karie Millspaugh
Business and Lifestyle Coach