Does the early bird REALLY catch the worm?
I have a confession to make
Ive been fighting something that I KNEW would be good for me but my stubborn self, found every excuse in the book to NOT DO IT!
I have a very rebellious nature, if you tell me to do one thing
Ill do the exact opposite. If you tell me I cant do something, Ill do it and record pictures and videos to prove myself to you.
I have NO IDEA where this comes from?
- Is it from being one of five kids and finding my voice through the chaos?
- Is it from being in the corporate world for too long with way too many rules and politics?
- Is it from being raised in a very religious home that had a rule for every little thing in life?
Not sure but I am positive I will get to the bottom of it!
So Im surrounded by top achievers, producers and successful people as thats the circle I choose to be around. They all seem to have one thing in common, they get up so damn early! Like 5am early! Whats up with that??? Sleeping in was the reward I was looking for when I went back to working for myself again full time. Getting up early is for the corporate world that live on 5 cups of coffee everyday
AND To top it off, Im a night owl. Ive told myself for years, Im not a morning person so my subconscious made it a reality as I fed that to it every day. My mom participated also by telling me as a baby I got my second wind around 10pm which to this day proves true.
So Ive been fighting the morning ritual of getting up at the crack of dawn to get my work out in, my meditation and intention time and getting myself FULL before showing up every day for my daughter and clients.
I always thought that by getting more sleep and slowly rising that I was showing myself more love
and rewarding myself for not being crammed into the 9-5 corporate box that I had lived in for way too long.
But guess what?
Its not about that its not about the time, its not about sacrificing sleep.
It wasnt until my coach told me that Im showing up every day on EMPTY that the light bulb clicked on!! DING!
The other light bulb moment was that all day I was grumpy because I was hunting for those hours to get my “me time” to fill me up
and I never could find them as I went from client to client, then friend, daughter and anyone else that needed me and I would start to beat myself up with guilt for not putting myself on the list for the day.
Then she pointed out that shame is the lowest vibration to have. When we are vibrating out energy of shame we are connecting with our LOWEST form of self.
To help you have a better understanding… I’m reading a book, Power vs Force and on page 52 and 53 is a score sheet. Enlightenment is a score of 700-1000 which is the highest vibration. Shame is ONLY 20! HOLY CRAP! Hello? Stop doing anything that makes you feel guilt and shame!
So this is how I used to start my day wake up- grab my phone and read emails. God forbid someone need me right that second that cant wait. When you have a global business your clients are all over the world so I expect messages in the night. Then I would go right to my daughters needs to get her to school on time, then right into coaching mode then feel guilty all day wondering when I was going to get to work out. In the back of my mind I would start to get angry and bitter as the day got busier and I kept forgetting my commitment to my body and mind. Im a natural nurturer so this is a life-long project for me.
So I took her advice
And guess what
Alarm went off at 6am, I laid in bed and listened to 20 minutes of meditations. Then wrote in my journal, setting out intentions for my life and business. Went downstairs and completed 30 minutes of a targeted workout. Even snuck in some quick protein for breakfast, then went back upstairs to finish journaling, praying and getting ready for the day. My daughter who is a gem had an interesting look on her face when she woke up and realized that mom was in a different space than normal.
My day SKY ROCKETED from there! No LIE! I was more grounded, more present. As a visionary and intuitive coach I could actually feel more massive vibration from my clients during their calls at a whole new level. Today I was so dialed in that I freaked myself out! I beamed all day
sung to myself and couldnt get over how much extra time I had left over in the day.
Picking up my daughter from school I was in a better place to give her my full attention and sent love outward to those that are very special for me throughout the day.
So the lesson that I learned was that its not about when the alarm clock goes off. Its about making ME a priority first thing so that I can be fully present with each person that crosses my path as a mom, coach, friend and lover.
And guess what? Im going to do it all over again tomorrow!
Post your comments on being a night owl or a morning bird would love to hear your feedback.
Hugs and love,
Karie Millspaugh
Business and Lifestyle Coach