Abundance…not just surface appeal
a word that is being used a lot these days…
I see it in culture statements quotes inspiritational quotes etc Sooooo? What does it mean exactly? Everyone has an image that comes to their mind when they see the word ABUNDANCE.
You will see that my writing style is VERY blunt non sugar coated verbal vomit.
My fans truly love me! Most want the truth anyway
So back to abundance. My first thought was the person that has the expensive sports car, big home lots of shiny jewelry and designer clothes. Thats abundance right? Those people have it ALL, right? They whip out their credit cards and pay for anything that catches their eye. So how does one achieve this? These people appear to be happy, satisfied OR is it all a façade?
You see my friend TRUE abundance comes from loving yourself and finding balance in all areas of life. Otherwise celebrities wouldnt fall to drug addiction or have multiple failed relationships in and out of alcohol rehabilitation. They have fame and money so whats up with the headlines at the grocery store checkout?
Im just a simple girl from the Midwest. I grew up as a pastors kid that saw how making ends meet could be a challenge. My childhood was NOT lacking in abundance. My parents may think differently reflecting on their bank account statements but its all in ones PERCEPTION I challenge you to follow that person home that is weighed down by shopping bags at your nearest mall. See how their home life is most likely something is lacking in their core being. And this my dear friend is where its time to put up your mirror and take a long look at what’s lacking in your life. BE HONEST!
True abundance is a healthy mindset in 5 key areas that are free flowing in your life.
Spiritual Health
Mental Health
Emotional Health
Financial Health
Physical Health
My first session with you goes like this taking a simple test to see if youre balanced in all areas of life. When one area is lacking or has a deep void, you will never feel fulfilled. You will always be looking for that ONE thing to make you feel complete. I work with you on what areas that may be “empty” and perfect it to where you are running on all cylinders again.
I hear many people express to me that something is missing they may have the financial comfort, the wife kids stance in their community, but they are overweight. So we focus on the health side of their balance wheel. Once thats in place, they think clearer, have more energy feel great everyday about their appearance all cylinders are running smooth again. I also hear Karie, I have a good job spouse, 2 grown teens that are excited about college but I feel empty. I am in great shape but something is missing we soon uncover that its their job its not their passion it achieves a paycheck every week but it doesnt fill their emotional needs of fulfillment. This is where we uncover a true career- true passion that will make them feel like they are on top of the world. True abundance comes from managing all 5 areas of your life to the fullest extent. When you do I guarantee that smiling will be your favorite habit!!!
Yours in Abundance,
~Karie Millspaugh
PS…let me know if you may be lacking abundance in a certain area of your life in the comments below.