6 steps to get along with others
6 steps to get along with others
Do you ever have those days where everything is going great
you had a quiet morning and life seems so calm and awesome
then the person you live with shows up and your attitude goes down the drain? Or for some of us parents, all is well until the kids wake up and the negative attitudes kick into play, arguing and name calling along with screaming orders for breakfast. I dont know about you but my attitude starts to go downhill after that special quiet meditation time that I enjoy so greatly first thing in the morning.
Is there hope for us? Or do we have to hide away on a deserted island forever to remain in our happy state of mind?
Im a fan of Joyce Meyer. She inspired me to write this article for you today as she mentioned this topic in one of her recent sermons. Some days Im sure you may think that the only way to have some peace in your life is to stay home, become a hermit and never correspond with another living human being. Well I have good news for you. You dont have to isolate yourself, in fact just seeing others from a different viewpoint altogether may be helpful.
Step 1) Understand that everyone is different:
I used to think that those that didnt see the world like I did, didnt enjoy the same hobbies as I did
were just
plain weird. Isnt that a very small minded way to think? I feel that most think like this as we gravitate to others that have similar hobbies and interests as we do. This is a very limiting way of thinking. We all have different tastes in food, art and partners! Thank GOD we are all very different and colorful
its makes the world a lot more interesting too! We each come into this world with unique gift. Some of us are great with behind the scenes details and then there are others that are better on the STAGE
living out loud. I know myself well that I was created to be the actress on the stage but I am not gifted to being the stage crew. Im HORRIBLE with details
in fact Im very careless with them and dont always read the fine print so to speak. Thank GOD that He created those that are very gifted in the tiny details that I overlook. Its a great balance of synergy on this planet.
Step 2) Be humble:
Who wants to hang out with an ego-maniac? I know I dont enjoy hanging around others that feel the need to remind you all day at how wonderful they are. So dont be that person my best advice is to be the type that others are attracted to and watch your inner circle of amazing friends and relationships grow.
Step 3) Learn that your way isnt always the right way:
What? Im NOT right all the time? I know I know it sort of goes back to being humble doesnt it? Do you remember a time when you WERENT right and you felt like an idiot afterward realizing that the truth that you stood to believe in was actually false? Not a good feeling is it now youre eating humble pie, huh? If you walk into a situation knowing that there is a very good chance that your viewpoint could be off a little, makes you a lot more fun to be around. Be open minded and listen well to others could cause you to actually grow as a person. What a great concept!
Step 4) Stop trying to change people:
OUCH! Does this mean I have to give up my fulfilling career as a coach? Gosh I hope not! The key thing is people have to WANT to change. They need to see for themselves the areas that they need growth, then be that great friend and influence for them when they are ready to take those steps to being a better more evolved person. I never accept a client that isnt ready for serious growth and change. We first start with being aware of the areas of life that arent where they would like them to be and that change starts with ownership. Owning their own SH*T. Then we have a foundation to work with towards a positive change key thing is.. they have to WANT TO.
Step 5) Give criticism sparingly and encourage one another:
Think of your circle of friends. Can you think of one that likes to talk down to others and criticize their boss, president, neighbor even YOU? How much fun are these people to be around? Not at all, right? Dont be that person too. Dont fall into that trap in fact do yourself a favor and make new friends. Ones that are more uplifting and are focused on making change and creating solutions instead of complaining and criticizing all the time. Now I want you to think about that one friend that makes you FEEL good about yourself. The one that encourages you to be better, think bigger and reminds you often that you are a true gift. Arent they more fun to be around? I suggest BEING that person the one thats a cheerleader for others and watch more wonderful people show up in your life. After all, you attract what you are.
Step 6) Mind your own business:
Have you ever heard a rumor about yourself and have experienced that horrible feeling of disappointment and disbelief? How could that person think that way about me? Where did that story even come from? Nothing feels worse than being misunderstood. In fact it can feel like a punch in your gut. Especially if its someone that you admire and respect thats spreading the lies
perhaps you had the best of the best intentions and then everything turned ugly because someone was peering into your life with an outside perspective without taking the time to find out the truth. I suggest highly to mind your own business as you can make the wrong assumptions about others and also be a contributor to ugly gossip that can actually cause a lot of emotional scarring for innocent people. My advice also is to have a life SO FULL of wonderful goodness that you dont really notice others and if you do, its only to stop and ENCOURAGE them!
Choose today to start getting along with others and be mindful to weed out the bad influences too. Most likely when you rise up to a higher level, those that like to stay in the dark, will remain there and your light will be too blinding for their darkness anyway
Yours in abundance,
Karie Millspaugh
Wellness Coach